भगवती सूत्र शः ३ उ: २
उत्तर ५२ - गोयमा ! अताहिं उस्सप्पिणीहिं अनंताहिं अवसप्पिणीहिं समइक्कंताहिं अत्थि णं एस भावे लोयच्छेरयभूए समुप्पज्जइ जं णं असुरकुमारा देवा उड्ढं उप्पयंति जाव... सोहम्मो कप्पो ।
असुरकुमारा देवा उड्ढं उप्पयंति
प्रश्न ५३ - किं णिस्साए णं भंते ; जाव... सोहम्मो कप्पो ?
उत्तर ५३ - गोयमा ! से जहा नामए इह सबरा इ वा बब्बरा इ वा टंकणा इ वा भुत्तुआ इ वा पण्हया ( पल्हया) इ वा पुलिंदा इ वा एगं महं रण्णं वा गड्डं वा खड्डं वा दुग्गं वा दरि वा विसमं वा पव्वयं वा णीसाए सुमहल्लमवि आसबलं वा हत्थिबलं वा जोहबलं वा धणुबलं वा आगति वामेव असुरकुमारा वि देवा णण्णत्थ अरिहंते वा अरिहंतचेइयाणि वा अणगारे वा भावियप्पणो णिस्साए उड्ढं उप्पयंति जाव... सोहम्मो कप्पो ।
Q. 52. Bhante ! In what time, have the gone up, ... till Saudharma-kalpa ?
A. 52. Gautama ! On the expiry of an infinite number of up-phases of the time-cycle and of an infinite number of downphases of the time-cycle, this wonderful news becomes known in the sphere that the Asurakumāras go up... till Saudharmakalpa.
Q. 53. Bhante ! With what support do the Asurakumāras go high up, till Saudharma-kalpa ?
A. 53. Gautama! Just as the men of the Sabara, Babbara, Dhañikana, Bhuttua, Panhaya and Pulimda tribes, having their base in some dense forest, ditch, water fortress, cave or a thick grove, take courage to inflict defeat on a vast and well-organised cavalry, elephantry, infantry or archers, in the same manner, these Asurakumāras, taking shelter behind some Arihanta, or Arihanta's caitya, or some homeless (monk) or some advanced soul, and nowhere else, go high up, ...till Saudharma-kalpa.
प्रश्न ५४ - सव्वे विणं भंते! असुरकुमारा देवा उड्ढं उप्पयंति जाव ... सोहम्मो कप्पो ?