भगवती सूत्र शः ३ उः १
While being initiated into monkhood, he resolved as follows : Till the end of my life, do I observe two-day fasts, missing six meals at a time, ...till take them (boiled rice, washed twenty-one times in water). Having resolved like that, he lived on practising two-day fasts missing six meals at a time, exposing himself to the sun from an elevation with his face sun-ward and his arms sky-ward, descending from the elevation on the day on which he was to break fast after missing six meals, and then, he himself picked up the wooden bowl and begged food from houses, high, middle and low, in the city of Tamralipti, accepted pure boiled rice and took the same after washing them twenty-one times in water.
प्रश्न १८-से केणठेणं भंते! एवं बुच्चइ पाणामा पव्वज्जा?
उत्तर १८-गोयमा! पाणामाए णं पव्वज्जाए पव्वइए समाणे जं जत्थ पासइ-इंदं वा खंदं वा रुदं वा सिवं वा वेसमणं वा अज्जं वा कोट्टकिरियं वा रायं वा जाव...सत्थवाहं वा काकं वा साणं वा पाणं वा उच्चं पासइ उच्चं पणामं करेइ णीयं पासइ णीयं पणामं करेइ जं जहा पासइ तं तहा पणामं करेइ से तेणट्टेणं गोयमा! एवं वुच्चइ पाणामा पव्वज्जा।
Q. 18. Bhante! Why is the order named Prāņāmā ?
A. 18. Gautama ! One joining the order named Prāņāmā offers praņāma, i. e., bows to whomsoever he meets-be he. Indra, Skanda (Kārtikeya), Rudra, Siva, Vaiśramaņa (Kuvera), Parvati,even furious Candika,... till a sārthavāha, a crow, adog, (even) an untouchable. He offers high pranāma to the high, low praņāma to the low, offering praņāma (to all) according to their respective ranks. It is for this, Gautama, that this order is called Prāņāmā.
तएणं से तामली मोरियपुत्ते तेणं ओरालेणं विपुलेणं पयत्तेणं पग्गहिएणं बालतवोकम्मेणं सुक्के भुक्खे जाव...धमणि संतए जाए यावि होत्था तए णं तस्स तामलिस्स बालतवस्सिस्स अण्णया कयाई पुव्वरत्तावरत्तकालसमयंसि अणिच्चजागरियं जागरमाणस्स इमेयारूवे अज्झथिए चिंतिए जाव...समप्पज्जित्था :