[JANUARY, 1907.
IX. - THE TRADITIONS OF THE CHURRAS. The Chahrås have oral traditions which they recite at their gatherings. If Chuhra wishes to learn them, he becomes the disciple of some one who is in possession of them, i.e. who can repeat them from memory. I heard, however, that there was a book of the Chubrâs in Gujranwala District, but I was unable to obtain it, as the owners had the idea that I would use it to their disadvantage. In the village of Kharðlian, in Sialkot, I found a man with a book, which runs as follows:
1. Bala, the Priest of God. Bald pir dya, duniya té pahild autár
The first to come incarnate to the world30 Putr sdn Brahmé dé pûrê chår.
Was priestly Bâlâ. Brahma's sons were four. Mathétike dharm de wd janéú nd!
With painted mark upon their 'brows and Chugdi chugdi gokhari ho pôi murdar.
twined Kó! gdô de ánké kardé né aridi
About their breasts the sacrificial thread. Asin Brahman janam de gal janeu tanida The cow while grazing in the meadow green Utte chd rakhnédi dôre té laridn
Fell dead : thereafter round about the cow Rabba, sdddé bhddidi ih kihidi banidn They stood and wrangled. Brâhmans born Rabb chithi likhké ghallid sab khól bayán
are we, Itthon gayd edén manké hum karnd habman Wo wear the sacred thread, the Hindu garb. Tudde ihnú suind tainu parwdn.
With cords and fringes. Lord, unhappy we, Main shard challái apni is niin hardm arkua Bewail this mishap. The Lord despatched jdn.
A writing bearing fall and accurate Jhaumprá aggé Rabb db kiti arjoi
Directions. You a compact made when hence Sanéhê ghalnd entor de há khdi muih dardi You went, but now grown proud you seek Rabba ghar Brahmanán mérd jarm dita To shun your duty. You it is that must Main paliyd sdi khdké t'ksé thal rasoi
Prepare to cast the cow away. 'Twas I Kolgdi di dké Allah Ta'ala masland lagd That killed the cow by lawful rite, it is Chitthi likhi Bald pir de phir hath phardi Not therefore now unclean." Then Jhaumpra Tudde ihni suund tainú ih di
prayed. Ihnú kaun hardm akhdd main takbir challdi. Oh thou that sendat thy word reveal thyself,
That I may see thee face to face. "Twas thou That causedst me to be by birth A Brahman. From the self-same dish with
them I ate and drank." Then God Almighty called Beside the cowa great assembly. Then Within the hand of Báll, Priest of God, Was placed a writing. Thou must cast away The cow - the work is thine. Who dares to
That thing unelean which I have daly
eleansed P The prophets feed on sheep, that feed on
Bhed khani paikambardi jis chugnd khat Róz qiyamat nún is di tainú milégi vadiydi Main núi Hindd nêre na dun déngé, Mussalman
na pashenga jandra Mérd lükar nistard kar&ngd mere Rabbi rdxd Ummat meri bakhshni udmin de Pir Khodja Allah akhéd Balad, tert pdk kamdi
Bat on the day of resurrection thou Shalt sure have praise.' . Said Bala, Hindus
then Will shun me, Mussalmans refuse to read The burial service over me. How then
* The translation is not literal, but in rotse