[JANUARY, 1907.
Tiari tubli gaya Brahmd, Lalan di muth l& dé.
Jhab mil, Rám ji. Lálán di muth jab let Brahmd, Har ji kd darshan páé.
Jhab mil, Ram ji. Hur ji kd darshan pdyd, Oh di käyd de pap jhásê dé.
Jhab mil, Rám ji. • Banné á já, Brahmand, Tếề nghđàn bộ tartaệ:
Jhab mil, Ram ji. Ise chappari Pando naha gaé, Jíkré nau khand prithvi dhde.
Jhab mil, Rám ji. Ise chappari Guru Nanak niháta, Jird Sikhan dá guru sadde.
Jhab mil, Rám jí. Ise chappari Gorakh nihata, Jihyd Tillé tá ásan pde.
Jhab mil, Ram ji. Kihre bhagat di ta beti hai ? Térd ki ôh ndm dharde ?'
Jhab mil, Ramji. Balá Balmik di main b&!t hai, Mérd Jastri ndm dharde.'
Jhab mil, Rám ji. Baba Balmik diye bé[iye, Man nú óhdé ko! pahunchaén.
Jhab mil, Ram ji. Aggé Jastri té prohh Brahma. Dhén Balmik käl 48.
Jhab mil, Ramji. Agga Balmil di kakkhan di Rulli, Baithi ásan 148.
Jhab mil, Ramji. Baitha asan utté jaké, Har kd nim japde.
Jhab mil, Rám jt.
The Brahman dived thrice. He brought a handful of precious stones.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. When the Brâhman found the stones, He saw God face to face.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. He saw God face to face, And his sins forgiven, he was clean.
Meet mo quickly, O my Lord. Come out, Brahman, Your bath is finished.'
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. In this pond the Pândavs will bathe, Who will subdue nine parts of the earth.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. In this pond Gurû Nanak w 12 bathe, Who will become leader of the Sikhs.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. In this pond Gorakh will bathe, Who will make his temple on Tillah.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. What holy person is your father? What name has he given you P'
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. *I am daughter of Bâlâ Balmik. He calls me Jastri.'
Meet me quickly, O my Lord, .O daughter of Bâlâ Balmik, Take me to him.'.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. Jastri went on, and the Brahman followed ; They both came to Bålmik,
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. They came to Bålmik's hut. He was seated in contemplation.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. When he sat down He took the name of God.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. Chorus.
Har has a thousand names. Kishan has a lakh. Kêshð has a crore. Bishan has & padam.
Har ji ka hasar nam, Lakh nam Kishan ka. Késhô kd karór nam. Padam nam Bishan ka.
Aggé Balmik bhagat baitha Jáké Brahmd vir nawdé.
Jhab mil, Rám j. * Tun kikar dyd, Brahmand? Téré kikar auns h86 ?'
Jhab mil, R&m ji.
Where the Saint Balmik sat There the Brahman went and bowed to him.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. Why have you come, O Brahman ! What is your business?'
Meet me quickly, O my Lord.