JANUARY, 1907.)
*Nam Rabb dé ih béři dé chhad. Térd suf dan hô jde.'
Jhab mil, Ramji. • Kahnún bhulmd, Brahmand ?' Ta kahnú janam gawdé ?
Jhab mil, Ram ji. * Twin Brahmé chaunke bahôgé, Mért béli nun pichhê hat dé.'
Jhab mil, Ran ji. Térí bêti raso pakdégt; sånnd sufl karké khurodé.
Jhab mil, Ram ji. Kangni, chínd, té sốánk anula. Balmik jag rachdé.
Jhab mil, Ram ji. Té ohavdi kútán de dévté d gdé. Othé paridi manga! gáé.
Jhab mil, Rám ji Hurai, paridi, mangal gdoan, Oths táréda mandal chhde.
Jhab mil, Ramji. Jad tárédi mandar chha kar ditti, Tab chdré Bed mangdé.
Jhab mil, Ram ji. Pahili lai jab léi Brahmé, Dujj& qadam akde.
Jhab mil, Rám ji. Triji lan jad lei Brahme, Chauthi phård pde.
Jhab mil, Ram ji. Panjwín idi jad lei Brakmé, Chévin phér á pde.
Jhab mil, Ram ji. Satvin idi jad lei Brakmé.
• In the name of God give me your daughter. She will be a great gift.'
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. Why do you take a wrong step, Brahmana? Why do you lose your caste ?!
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. • You will eat your food in sacred places. You will set my danghter aside.'
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. Your daughter will cook our food, We will not object to eat it.'
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. They brought kangni and chind and #dank. Balmik made a feast.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. The gods of the four quarters came. Fairies sang songs of joy there.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. Hárs and fairies sang. The stars made a canopy there.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. When the stars made a canopy, Then they brought the four Vedas.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. The Brahman went round the bride once. And a second time.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. The Brahmar went round a third time. And a fourth time.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. The Brâhman went round a fifth time. And a sixth time.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. The Brâhman went round the bride the seventh
time. Praise the name of God.
Moet me quickly, O my Lord. He finished the seven rounds. Balmik gave his daughter.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. I take alms from all. In future I give this right to you.'
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. When the Brahman put her in a palanquin, He took her to home among the Paundrâs.
Meet me quickly, O my Lord. From her the Vedva, the Purabâ, the Bharta, The Siddrâ, and the Dharasta took their name; Meet me quickly, O my Lord.
Har kd nam dhédé.
Jhab mil, Ram ji. Satén lavdi púridi. Oh bépi dan kardé.
Jhab mil, Ramji. * Sab jidx da main dan khana. Aggôn ti mérd lé jde.
Jhab mil, Ram ji. Jastri dálé jab påé Brahmé, Utthôn Pondér ghar léjde.
Jhab mil, Rám jí. Ouhon Védvé, Puraba, Bharta, Siddrd, Dharastd nám dhardé.
Jhab mil, Ram jl.