JANUARY, 1907.]
Apé kalm pakur lá, tê kdga! té sidhi
Wilt thou me purify, my Lord ? Forgive Allah dkhed Baléd, tu hô siydna
My people give me Khwaja Pir as pledge Rôz qiyamat nú jdké inhan pachhótand, Of certain covenant. God said, 'Thy works, Hindu Mussalman dé nem da main daryd 0 Balâ, righteous are and pure. Thyself bandid
Must write with paper, ink and pen.' God Par bihisht bandké sdmné dikhland
said, Savd nézé té súraj aspégé magrói ho dôzakh "O Bâlâ, understand: be wise and know dé dahnd
That on the resurrection day their deeds Ram té Rahim keln utthé chhap chhap ké bahnd Will bring to these despairing grief, I'll Ummat t&ri langhké var bihishti jana
make Akhé méré lag jd, mérá man farmdnd
Of Hindu and of Muslim faiths & sea, Jhaumpre agge Rabb dé ék gal sundi
Beyond it I will make a heaven that they Rôz qiyamat akhna jihri bhaigal pur sulat Shall see but enter not. The burning sun (pul şirdt) bandi
Will come within a spear and quarter's length, Os vélt ummat méri baschshnin gao sufnd tdin
The dread alarms of hell will compass them. Chélé siftán jörián, parh nám sundin.
The worshippers of Rám, and of Rahim. Rabb Khwdja ķhiar sadda phir apni sabani. Will hide themselves in fear and dark despair.
But thine will cross secure, in safety they Will enter heaven at last. Believe, obey My plain command.' Then Jhaumpra quickly
said, All in the audience of Almighty God, A covenant sure make now with me, that in The day of resurrection, when my people cross The narrow bridge that spans the mouth
of hell, Thou wilt have mercy on them : only thus Will I consent to cast away the cow.' Disciples write his prayers and his fame, Sing forth his glory, loud proclaim his name. The Lord called Khwaja Khizr to appear,
He summoned him Himself, and then the Lord Tad Maulé pakar lei hath kdgas të kdni, Took paper, ink and pen to write, and these Kágas sidhi likhi di us vélé di nishani,
Are of that time distinct memorials. Jhaumpré ummat bakhshd 16 kam hoyd dedni Great Jhaumpra had his people saved, a work Khwaja Khier akhe Jhaumpréd, mêra man for him both quick and easy. Khwaja cried, farman,
Oh Jhaumpra mine, give ear to me. With me Téré Shahi dan déngé main nún pds bahan, Beside them seated all your Shâhîs must Jhalak lagg@gd chandos dd munh pani lan. Give alms. And as they drink the sparkling Shahidi de bihishti jdi da ih pakked nishan water Na roza na ashļami na tur Makké jan
On every face from out the cup there gleams Chélé dassén khólké sdré baydn.
The light from immersed silver, this a sign Pir gdô de val turke Chuhra banké jáhird, Shall constant be that Shabis enter heaven. Pir gdo dé kó! jd khard janéu filkéwaļa, For them there is no fasting ; not for them Us téron dhoti id lei asbab bhi sdra.
Are eighth day moons, or pilgrimages long Utthi baniya Chuhrédn da asli rdh niyara To Mecca. Let disciples clearly tell Jhaumprd puchohé bhdidn nún méré na karo The great prerogatives and freedom they takrar,
Enjoy. The priest approached the cow; before Radon maina radnd jé sachcha déb igrár The universal world be stood confessed Bhdián phir Jhaumpré nd! kita takrar
A Chaha ; yes, a priest beside the cow, Móhlat lammi kdi nahan diharé né char Adorned with saored cord, and on his brow