________________ CONTENTS .. xiii 69 102 Page Preface Introduction Text ..1-298 Chapter VIII, Preparation of a Disciple Chapter IX, Refutation of Things regarded as Eternal.. 31 Chapter X, Refutation of Atman Chapter XI, Refutation of Time Chapter XII, Refutation of Wrong Views 136 Chapter XIII, Refutation of the Organs of Senses and their Objects .. Chapter XIV, Refutation of the Adherence to the Extremes 199 Chapter XV, Refutation of the Compound Things .. 232 Chapter XVI, Discussion between the Teacher and the Disciple 262 Additions and Corrections 299 Indexes 301-308 . Sanskrit Karikas 301 Tibetan Karikas .. 304 Bhagavad-vakyas 307 Sanskrit Karikas cited in the Commentary 307 Tibetan Karikas cited in the Commentary 307 Verses cited in Notes ... Passages cited in Notes 308 Sutras, Sastras, and Acaryas 308 307