________________ xvi CATUHSATAKA V SS = Subbasita sangra ha ed. C. Bendall. Tib. = Tibetan. = Dr. P. L. Vaid ya. VT = Vibhavini Tik a on the Abhidha mm attbasa ng a ha Pa karana (Pali). of Anuruddha, published by P. D. Fernando and G. Simon Andris de Silva, Colombo, 1898. Vx == The Xylograph of the Visvabharati Library... Vxx = The Xylographs of the Visyabharati Library. x = Xylograph. a, b, c, and d respectively stand for tbe four successive padas of a sloka. An asterisk (*) before a karika implies that it is original and found in HPS or elsewhere and not reconstructed. Similarly the words between two asterisks in a karika are of the original text and not reconstructed.