JANUARY, 1891.)
[322] 4. JAli Mayali Uvayâli Purisasêại ya Vârisēņ3 ya| Pajjunna Samba Aņiruddha Sachchaņēmi ya Dadhao mi il For the first 5 names see anga 9, 1.
5. Paümâvati Gori Gandhårt Lakkhana Snsimî ya Jambavati Sachchabhâmâ Bappini Mûlasiri Mâladat tå vill
6. Makâyf Kimkam(m) 637 chêva Moggarapaņi ya Kåsavê | Khêmatê Dhitidharê cheva Kelagd Harichamdané 11 Varatte Sudarsane - Punnabhadde taha Sumaņabhadde Supaitthế ! Mêba'timutté Alakkhê ajjhayapanan tu solasayam il
7. Nanda Namdavati chêva Nanduttara Nardisêniyê chêva | Maratå Sumaruta Mahâmarutá Marudeva ya atthama | Bhaddá Subhadda ya Sujaya Sumaņai yaBhdyadinná ya bôdhavva Såņiyabhajjåņa námäti 11
8. Kali Sukalt Mahakali Kanha Sukanbê Mahakanha Viraka hâ ya bôdhavvå Råmakaṇhê taheva | Piusêņakaṇhâ navam dasamf Mahäsêņakaphâ ya 11
It is impossible to reconstruct any correct metre in these kárikás, since the lines are a confused mass of slöka and áryd hemistiches.
The tablo of contents in anga 4, or Nandi (N) is as follows:-së kim tam amtagadadasku ? antaosâsu nam amtagadâņam nagarkim ujjânâim chêiyâim vana râyao ammâpiyarê sam Ôsaranam dhammâyariya dhammakahâu 38 ihaloga paralôgao bhôgaparichchaga pavajjau suya tayo padiman (323) bahuviha tav643 khami ajjavam maddavam cha sôyam cha sachchasahiyam sattarasaviho ya (BC, "hà yê ya A) satojamo (me A, mô ya B C) uttama cha bambhań akiochanaya tavôkiriyâu samiti guttfu chêva, taba appamayajogộ (@ge A) sajjhkyajjhânâna 65 ya attamânam donham pi lakkhaņáim, pattana ya sam jamuttamam jiya(jiya A) parisahâņań chaüvihakammakkhayami jaha kévalassa 4 lambhô, pariyâu Cyâtô B C)*7 jattið oito BC, jatiyâu A) ya jaha pålitô (pålayatô A) maņihi, pânvagaū ya jê jahir jattiyâņi bhattâņi chhêyaïtta (chheittà A, chhedaïtta BC) amtakaro gado BC) munivarako tama-rað-'ghalmukko mokkhasuham anuttarana cha patto (A, pattå B C), été anne ya êvan-ái 'ttha pardviya (pardve, BC) jáva
IX. The ninth angam, anuttardvavdiyadasdu, anuttaraupapá tikadasás;63 in 3 vaggar with 33 ojhayanas (10, 13, 10); contains legends of saints each one of whom attained the bighest (anuttara) heavenly world (vimåna),
The name dasdu), is here too at variance with the constitution of our text, but is in agreement with the statements pf angas 3 and 4, where only 10 ajhayaņas are mentioned; while aiga 4 recognizes but ten (the Nandi but three) uddésanakálas se above p. 286.[824) We have already seen that, of all the names given in anga 3, 10 as those of the 10 ajjh., but three rpour in anga 9, This proves that we have here to do with a text that has suffered a transformatiou. Our text has been handed down to us in an exceedingly fragmentary state, consisting chiefty
* Kirikamme is found in anga 8, 10, for anga 8; this should have been stated on page 271. In reference to the question whether Mayali is identical with BhagAls, see the same page. Is JAli equal to JamAli P The account here entitled Gattonta of Bômila, u Lermann informa me. See sbidem * In N we find the same transposition as in the case of 6,7: 56°ro odhohad aheriya, paralgiya riddhivises& N.
40 N inserta pariyAgt before ma. 41 14 padimato BO, N has ja tead of padima merely Baanlehard bhattapachoh Kkkkpat pavagaman sukula pachohd18 punayohilabh& antakiriy aghavijahti dvadesa bhikshupratim mihikyadayah (of. Ledmann og Awp. $ 24. mo A, bahuvihAto BC.
lancha cha satyashitah. * At8 samit gattito chera B C, mimitay gapay she svedhyAyadhyanayoh.
jnen dêr lAbhah. paryayah právrajyalakihitnah, yavkini cha ydradarshadiprom kņ8 yatha ybos tapoviblubkárayaņddind prakarena pålitô munibhih: * nuphim ppktóvagato ya BC.
prky pagamAbhidhanam aannam pratipann yo munir yatra, stakrits mtnivard, jkta ati felt
r angcha Aratogha BO # This should strictly be opädika; of my remarks on upliga 1.
#n 'umd uttard vidyate ity anuttamab, upapatid pads janmirthah, maharab pradhana) anywaya tabu vidhanya 'bhivad apapito (pdf) yenbarin to, tadvaltavyatápratibaddha dal debadhyayan palakshita