Book Title: Agam 15 Upang 04 Pragnapana Sutra Part 02
Author(s): Shyamacharya, Punyavijay, Dalsukh Malvania, Amrutlal Bhojak
Publisher: Mahavir Jain Vidyalay
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throws light on the date of their composition and proves that Satkhandāgama has most probably been composed or compiled later than Prajñāpanā. Everywhere in Şatkhandāgama a discussion on those particular märganädvāras (topics of investigation) begins through the words 'gadiyānuvädena', 'imdiyanuvādena', kāyānuvadena' etc. 11 This system is rarely found in the Prajñāpanāsūtra. Only two words 'disānuväena' and 'khettänuväena '12 occur in it. But the word 'gaianuvāena' has not been employed in the discussion on gati, etc.
Over and above the similarity of treatment we find, at various places, similarity of expression in both the works. This suggests that they had a common tradition as their basis. By similarity of treatment is meant the agreement on different points and it is easily noticed at many places in both the works. Hence it is not necessary for us to note all such places where the similarity of treatment is found. But we should note the places where the similarity of expression occurs.
Generally we can say that both the works are composed in prose but they contain gāthās also. Out of these găthas some, it seems, should be traditional sangrahani gäthäs. Gāthas 99-101 of Prajñāpana occur in Satkhandagama. The gathās as found in Satkhandagama are as follows: Book XIV
Sū. 121 "tattha imam sahāranalakkhanam bhanidamSū. 122 såhäranamāhāro sāhāranamānapānagahanam ca/
sähäranajivānam sähārāṇalakkhaṇam bhanidam// Sū. 123 eyassa anuggahanam bahüņa sahāraṇānameyassa/
eyassa jaṁ bahūnam samāsado tam pi hodi eyassa// Sū. 124 samagam vakkartānam samagam tesim sariranippattī/
sa magam ca anuggahanam samagam ussāsanissāso// It is noteworthy that Satkhandägama quotes these găthās having employed the term 'bhanidam' suggestive of quotation, while Prajñāpanāsūtra does not use any such term. In Prajñāpanā. sūtra they are given in a reverse order. Moreover, the gathā occurring in the concerned sūtra 122 gives the reading "lakkhanam bhanidaň', while Prajñāpanā ghathā 101 gives the reading 'lakkhanam eyam'. Though the gåthă occurring in the Sūtra 123 and Prajñāpanā gāthā no. 100 are identical, the reading of this gātha yielded by Prajñāpanā is more correct than the one offered in
11. Ibid, Book I Sū. 24, 33, 39, etc. 12. Prafñāpanāsūtra 213-224; 276-324; 326-329. P. 15
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