Book Title: Agam 15 Upang 04 Pragnapana Sutra Part 02
Author(s): Shyamacharya, Punyavijay, Dalsukh Malvania, Amrutlal Bhojak
Publisher: Mahavir Jain Vidyalay
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though the basis of his commentary is Ac. Haribhadra's Pradesavyākhyā1, he has made his commentary rich by independently and intelligently utilising many a work other than that Pradeśavyākhyā. His claim is justified. Following are the instances that go to prove the rightness of his claim. Ac. Haribhadra has concluded his discussion on the worth of a woman for the attainment Tirthankarahood by producing an evidence of Siddhaprabhṛta, whereas Ac. Malayagiri has conducted the discussion having formulated opponent's view (purvapakṣa) and proponent's view (uttarapakṣa) and having quoted Ac. Sākaṭāyana. And Ac. Malayagiri's discussion about this problem is very rich and elaborate (folio 20). Similarly, while describing the nature of liberated soul (siddha) he first presents a comparative account of the various views upheld by different schools of Indian philosophy and finally establishes the Jaina position (folio 112).
It is noteworthy that Vivṛti at many places discusses the different readings of Prajñāpanā (folio 80, 88, 96, 165, 296, 372, 412, 430, 600).
Ac. Malayagiri has quoted in his commentary many a. work and authors. This proves his scholarship in many branches of learning.
Let us record the names of works and authors referred to by him in his commentary - pāņiniḥ svaprākṛtavyākaraṇe' (pp. 5, 365) 'uttaradhyayananiryuktigatha' (p. 12); 'savistaram nandyadhyayanattkāyām vyakhyātāni’(pp.24, 298, 311, 375);‘prajñāpanāmīlatikāk?t’ ormulaṭīkākāraḥ (pp. 25, 114, 194, 202, 263, 280, 283, 294, 305, 325, 362, 372, 383, 384, 391, 470, 490, 546, 547, 564, 568); 'sangrahanimülattkākāro haribhadrasuriḥ' (pp. 418, 552); 'mūlaṭīkāyām' (pp. 544, 547); 'jlvājīvābhigamaṭika' (pp. 44, 45, 47, 48, 51); 'jivabhigame' (p. 195); 'jīvābhigamacurṇau' (p. 308); atrakṣepaparihārau candraprajñaptiṭikäyām suryaprajñaptiṭikāyāṁ cabhihitau iti tato'vadharyau' (p. 99); 'kṣetrasamāsaṭīkā' (p. 107); 'anuyogadvāreṣu' (p. 114); 'vṛddhācāryaiḥ' (p. 135); 'prajñaptau' (pp. 141, 149); 'vyākhyāprajñaрtau' (p. 262); 'tatha caha asya eva prajñāpanāyāḥ sangrahaṇīkāraḥ' (p. 167); 'karmaprakṛtisangrahaṇyam' (p. 182); 'sangrahanigāthāḥ' (p. 207); dharmasangrahant' (p. 611); dharmasangrahaniṭikāyām' (p. 229, 307); śākaṭāyana' (p. 599); sakaṭasunur api' (p. 249); śākaṭāyananyasakṛt' (p. 563); svopajñaśabdānuśāsanavivaraṇe' (p. 250, 251); 'tattvärthaṭikāyām bhävitam' (251); bhagavan bhadrabahusvām!' (pp. 256, 257); 'bhāṣyakṛt'
4. jayati haribhadrasüriş tikakrd vivṛtavişamabhāvārthaḥ |
yadvacanavaśād aham api jāto lesena vivṛtikaraḥ || Prajñāpanāṭikā, folio 611. 5. p. folio.
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