E4 = BORI_333 [ = 391 / 1892-95].
Ś+ V only, Niti portion lost. Size10" x 4"; fel. 34-19-52; 1. 17, let. 52. Small but beautiful calligraphy, with a few peculiarities such as duraka for duḥkha etc. One extra sloka after Sand many more after the end of the commentary in V.
E5= Rājāpūr 5 ; size 12 " x 4 - 1 /8 "; fol. 82 = 28+24+30; 1.10-11, let. 55. Dated A. D. 1843. Probably K. T. Telang's M. Text in center, with commentary above and below. Contaminated with S readings. Interpolations in text and additions to the commentary are frequent, particularly iu the VairagyaColophon : शके १७६५ शालिवाहन शोभन संवत्सरे माघ शुद्ध १० दशम्यां इन्दुवासरे इदं पुस्तकं नीतिशतक - शृंगारशतकवैराग्यशतक श्री मंगेशमहालक्ष्मीप्रमुख श्री भवानीशंकरचरणकमलाराधकेन केकरोपनामक भिकाजी बळवंत गुंजीकरेण लिखितम् । श्री साम्बसदाशिवचरणकमलार्पणमस्तु ॥ श्रीगजाननाय नमः ॥ श्रीशिवः ॥
Pseudo-Version F. Not on the chart. Under this I have gathered five collated MSS that have many common features without sufficiently close sloka agreement to form a version. Their basic unity derives from N [perhaps Central Indian] origin, with S influence through Maharastrian transmission.
F1= Tanjore 4905, dated 1659 August 13. Colophon : कुनागतिथिसंमिते (१५८१) शक इहाब्दवैकारिके नभस्य सितसप्तमी शनिदिने मरुत्तारके । श्रियासुयशसा भुवि प्रथितनीलकण्ठाभिषो लिलेख विबुधप्रियः सुकृतिसत्तमोदः शुभम् ॥
F2 = Tanjore 4907, intermediate between F1 and Fs.
F3=Tanjore_4902. No descriptions of F1 - 8 were supplied, but they were copied meticulously at Tanjore by Pt. Balasubrahmaniam Sastri, with an accuracy that reproduces every feature of the originals. To the subgroup F1-8 is to be assigned the old Sṛngara with Hindi prose commentary written in Jan. 1627 and published by R. P. Dewhurst in J. U. P. Hist. Soc. vol. I, 1917, pp. 59-151. The original of F3 belonged to archetype beta.
F4 = IO 2539e [ = Bohlen's MS B]. Once the oldest known dated Bhartyhari MS, A. D. 1547; but the calligraphy shows Mahārāstrian influence, so that a confusion of saka and samvat might be possible in dating. No pṛṣṭhamātrās used. The gaps in text indicated by...prove copying from a much older codex, while repeated slokas and variants in the same line as well as marginal variants and emendations show that from two to four distinct sources were utilized. Order V-N-$, which has given rise to mistakes in Bohlen's synoptic chart, where the standard order is S-N-V. Collated from a rotograph copy.
F5 = ISM_Gorhe 305 ; size 9-7 / 8 " x 4-1/2 *; fol. 26, 1. 10-12, let. 32. Dated 1663 March 17. Old and worn in appearance, but gaps indicated by copyist, occasional running together of slokas, a blank left for about five stanzas at $ 90 show that the copyist had a much older specimen before him. Though the beginning is श्रीमन्महागणपतये नमः । श्रीमच्छंकरगुरुभ्यो नमः । श्रीमद्बाजी भट्टगुरुभ्यो नमः । श्रीरस्तु भर्तृहरविरचिते शतत्रिके प्रथमं नीतिशतं प्रारभ्यते, nevertheless, the rather mysterious colophon reads इतिश्री आत्मारामयोगींद्रविरचितायां चतुर्थोऽध्यायः । शके १५८५ शोभकृदन्दे अधिक वयचतुर्थ्यां ४ भौमे गोदोत्तरतीरस्थ नूपुरग्रामवासिना विश्वनाथदैवजात्मजेन नृहरिणा भर्तृहरशतत्रयमिदं लिखितमात्मार्थ साधूपकृत्यर्थं । सांद्रानन्दपुरंदरा दिदिविषङ्कं दैर मंदादरादानम्र र्मु कुरेंद्रनीलमणिभिः संदर्शिते दिंदिरम् । स्वच्छंद मकरंद सुंदरगलन्मंदाकिनीमेदुरं श्रीगोविंदमदारविंदमशुभस्कंदाय वंदामहे ॥ स्कृतिः स्वा ॥ मेघश्यामकरोद्रवैर्वसुचयासारैरजस्रं भृशं विप्राणां बहुशः स्वधर्म** नूनं दरिद्रानलः ( ? ) । शांतिं प्रापदवानलेन सदृशं नित्यं यशस्वी भवान् साम्राज्यं कुरु मादृशाजू बहुविधान् विप्रान् चिरं पालय ॥ १ ॥
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