Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 40
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 52
________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY [FEBRUART, 1911. MALLISHENA-MAHAPURANA. Вх кв. PATHAк, Снітвлвилл, Рость. I have obtained on loan from Lakshmisena Bhattaraka, the head of the Jain matha at Kolhapur, & palm-leaf manuscript of the Mallishéna-mahdpurdņa. The manuscript is not dated. It contains 98 palm-leaves, each leaf treasuring 18' by 2'. It is written in old Canarese characters and in the Sanskrit language. The manuscript contains many mistakes, as will be evident from the opening and concluding prasastis given below. I remember to have seen another manuscript of this work in the private library of the late Brabmasûri Shastri at Sravana Belgols in Mysore. With the aid of this manuscript, it will be easy to restore the correct text of the prasastis. Bat 13 I bave no time to obtain the loan of this second manuscript, I content myself with placing before Sanskrit scholars the following praiastis as they are found in the Kolhapur MS., proposing such emendations as occur to me. Some years ago, when I was examining the library of the Jaina matha at Kolhapur, I thought it possible tbat Mallisbêna, the author of the mahi purina, which is named Mallishe na-mahdpurana after him. might be identical with the celebrated Jaina ascetic Mallisbeņa, whose death t ok place in Saka 1050 according to Sravana Begola Inscription, No. 54, which has been edited by Mr. Ricel. But the date of the completion of the present purdņa, as given by the author Mallisbêns himself in the concluding praiasts, is Saks 969:entrar a [:] सर्व [भिन्] वत्सरे क्वेष्टे साके पंचमीदिने । भनादि तत्समात (तु) पुराणं रितापहं। जीवाशचंद्रतारा विदग्धजनचेतसि ।। It is obvious that the difference between the two dates is 81 years. This is against the proposed identification. Another reason for rejecting the identification is that the author of the purana calls himself Ta raftafiz, while the Jaina asoetic mentioned in the inscription is called evifte. Our author also composed सम्जनचितवन and मागकुमारकाब. The last-named work way translated into Canarese in Saks 1507 by the Canarese poet Bahubali, who tells us that he finished his work at Sringeri, when the chief Pontiff at that place was Nrisimhhabharati. A third work attributed to Mallisbêņa is a commentary on Kandakandacharya's works. Mallishēņa mentions as bis predecessors, the celebrated author Samantabhadra, who is spoken of by Jinasena as the author of Yuktyanuádsana. Pajyapada is next mentioned. Then a reference is made to Jinasena as the pupil of Vfrasena and the author of mahdpurdņa. We are next introduced to Akalanka, a very lion to hostile disputants resembling elephants, Ananta virya and Vidyananda. Anantavirya is the anthor of commentaries on the works of Akalaika and Manikyanandin. The other Jaina authors have been already introduced to Sanskrit scholars in my paper: read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. The opening praiasti Ft Prara I BERTA: PUश्रीविद्यालकीसिमुनवे नमः ॥ sfagarraren amaiera [ 1 ] कृतघातिसवाजोमि लब्धानन्तचष्टवान् ॥१॥ स्वर्गापवर्गसन्माग्गों भव्यानां बेन दर्शितः। नानेवं समई वंदे जिनेंद्रंपपमेश्वरं ॥२॥ भहकर्मविनिर्मुक्तान् सिद्धानष्टगुणान्विवान् [1] बिलोकशिखरावासानिष्टि(ठि)तानिई स्तुवे ॥३॥ पंचाचारसमायुक्तान गंभीरानिव वारिधीन [1] Inscriptions at Sravana Belgola, Intr. p. 41. 1 The opening prasasti of the Jain Haritaruta composed in Baks 705, In. Ant., Vol. XV, p. 1-42. # Bbatfibari and Kumarila, Jour., Bom. Br. R. A. 8., Vol. XVIII, p. 913 1.


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