[Augter, 1911.
Dang: a band or embankment in a stream, to turn water into a canal. Kângra Gloss. Danga: a wall of loose stones. Dansra: stems of the til (sesame) plant. Karnal S. R., 1872-80, p. 188.
Dant: a fine curved blade set in a flat board which is held under the foot, while vegetables, etc., are sliced or split up against the blade. Karnal 8. R., 1880, p. 163.
Danti: bare. Cf. süsi. Badria argot. Danwandol: adj. restless, uneasy.
Danwara : a system by which two or more owners club their cattle together, either for the year or for a special job. Karnal S. R., p. 114.
Dap: see dip. Daphi: a window. Sirmûr. Daradh: a hole whero water has forced a passage ; see tarota. Darati : & sickle, called dati in the plains. Kangra Gloss.
Darbara: a fee given by Akbari clans of Jats at marriages to the Mirasis of Akbari families. Hoshiarpur S. R., p. 51.
Darotar: the second day's service (jowdri, q. v.) taken at reaping time.
Darks: a small tree, which grows low down in the valleys, used for firewood. Simla S. R., 1888, p. 44.
Darli: Cedrela toona serrata: a small tree, red wood, used for making yokes and posts. Simla S. R., 1883, 43.
Darmal: s. m. medicine, Daroi, drohi: a dóhái or an appeal to any one. Kangra Gloss. Daran, dran: a weight equal to 8 thimis. Kangra Gloss.
Dasd bise: a game in which the two parties stand one at 10, the other at 20 paces, from a heap of earth as goal, and at the word "one, two, three-off!" one of each party starts off, the object of the one being to run bis 10 paces, slap the goal 10 times and get back his 10 paces before the other who has 20 paces to run, can reach the goal and then catch him. Sirsa S. R., 1883, p. 206.
Dasghi: the rite performed on the tenth day after a death, when the household go to a tank, wash their clothes, share, offer ten pinds, and give the Achârj grain-enough for ten meals, Karnal 8. R., 1880, p. 137.
Dasha : 9. m. state, condition.
Tasutan : the tenth day after the birth of a child, when the net is taken down and the fire let out. Karpal S. R., 1880, p. 126.
Datha, Sitan ki: a bundle of pressed sugar-cane used for torches or for fuel. Kangra Globe.
Dathoi : the soil in which spring crops are sown, and which has borne a crop in the autumn immediately preceding. Karnal S. R. 1880, P. 193.
Datialu: light early breakfast; also called nowari towards Núrpúr. Dopahri is the next meal then comes kalar, which answers to our lunch, and, lastly, sunji-ki-roti or supper. Kangra Gloss.
Datti : sickle, Cf. dátri. Sirsa 8. R. 1883, p. 252. Dau launa: to take the opportunity. p. 282. Daul: a variety of joudr, very hardy. Karnal 8. R., 1880, p. 186. Dault: a ridge of wapd, covered with thorns, round house. Gurgaon. Daukh : ten. Sirsa S. R. 1888, p. 124.
Dauajs : platform built for men to sit in a field of the great millet and protect it from birds. Of. jaunda. Karpál S. R., 1880, p. 172.