Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 40
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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[DECEMBER, 1911.
Lamabata (P), & prophet of lower grade, who passes on oracles given through a deity's inspired representative to his worshippers if many of the latter are of low caste. Oldham, Sun and Serpent, p. 94.
LAmnis reaping. Karnal S. R. 1872-80, p. 172. Lan: the straw of the great millete with the ear and grain. Karnal S. R. 1872-80, p. 172.
Land: the combination of all the people of a village in cultivating their lands. Hissar S. R., P. 10.
Land : an association of households or individuals to conduct the agriculture of the whole tract. Each member contributes oxen or labour, or both, and the whole land works jointly and cultivates certaiu lands of which some of the members of the association have the disposal, whether as owners or tenants. Karnal S. R. p. 112.
Langana: a stile = charolid.
Langu-karo : lit. crossing-tax,'a tax or due paid to the native government on account of the spring and autumn grazing. Kangra S. R. (Lyall), p. 41.
Langri: a raft made of the beran on the festivals of Holi and Diwali, for setting it afloat on the tank with a lamp on it in honour of Khwaja Khizr. Karnal S. R. 1872-80, p. 148.
Langri: the placing of an offering with a lighted lamp on it on some moonlight night while the moon is still on the wax at a place where four roads meet. Of, nagdi. Karnal S. R. 1872-80. p. 146.
Leo: a strong rope made of san fibre by wbich the charas (leather bucket) is drawn up. Karnal S. R. 1872-80, p. 160.
Laphi : a porridge, made of the grain of the b&tha (Amaranthus) roasted med ground. Simla S. R. 1883, p. 40.
Lar: a ram-se under bhed. Laf bhir: enmity. Larna bhifna: to quarrel : latthå past. part. irreg. (?) Lafa: fem. i. Lart: the striker of a well. Jullundur S. R., p. 100. Lari: wife. Swans or voti is used by Rajpûts ; jo or jun in Kulld; cheori in Plach (Saraj). Larki: a kind of net for catching doves.
Larumbi : the female barber who accompanies the bride when she is to travel. Karnal S. R. 1872-80, p. 182. Lat: the crusher in a sogar press. Karnal 8. R. 1872-80, p. 161.
(To be continued.)
defect that will be indicated in the following lines, SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPT CATALOGUE,
to wit, a very inadequate knowledge of Jain VOLUME II. The following notes embody some of the
prosopographia and of the dialect and modes of corrigenda and addenda, which I have made in
writing used by scribes, which is especially reading the second volume of the Catalogue of
marked in the errors and omissions of the index. Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library. Page 120, col. 2. The scribe "Lesa RbhimaThis volume was begun by Professor M. Win- vijaya" is an impossible monster. Read in the ternitz, and completed by Mr. A. B. Keith. In colophon tac-chişyalefa-r. -Bhimavijaya, "his inmany respects, it is fully worthy of the high significant disciple Roi Bhimavijaya." The terms reputation which these scholars have earned ; tipyaleta, literally "scrap of a disciple," and and this excellence renders more regrettable the rei, used for a Jain ascetic, are quite common.