Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 40
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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JULY, 1911.]
Brabbu: the yellow bear: in Kulld called ratta balu or ratta gdi. Kangra Gloss.
Bragh: a leopard or panther ; mirg is also commonly used; but it applies generally to all big game. Kangra Gloss.
Brås: rhododendron arborcum. Simla S. R., 1883, p. 43. Briddhi: 8. f. increase, growth.
Buára: a helper, one who helps a fellow-villager and gets food, but no payment, in return. Keonthal.
Budhi: anirrigated land with an appearance of sand. Ludhiana S. R., 1888, p. 94. Bugdi: a variety of tobacco. Karnal S. R., 1880, p. 191. Bugtari : a long coat. Of. angarkha. Sirsa S. R., 1888, p. 155. Baji: a name used in addressing girls. Karnal S. R., 1880, p. 155. Bnjni: a plain earring. Karnal S. R., 1880, p. 125. Bukwana: stunted straw. Sirsa S. R., 1883, p. 282, Bulahir : a messenger. Gurgaon S. R., 1883, p. 89. Bulala : a fish (bola goha). Karnal S. R., p. 7. Bulla marila: oold winds from north or west which blight crops. Ludhiana S. R., 883, p. 125. Bum: a pormanent supply of spring water, Karnal 8. R., 1880, p. 159.
Banar, banár: (Gadi), athickoak wood; barhuni, a thick wood of the brds or rhododendron : kelar, a cedar forest; khrangrela, a thicket of snow rhododendron.
Bandar: broken ears of corn. Karnal S. R., 1880, p. 173. Bandral: matting of rice straw; also búndri. Bandri, bandral: matting of rice straw. Kangra Gloss.
Buinh, bunho : downwards or below. Bunh or jhik jand is to go down. Fita chalna is keep along a hillside at the same level.' Upridd jând is 'to go up.' In Kulla, ujeh is above.' Kangrs Gloss.
Bur: a grass (Cymbopogon iwaranchusa). Cl. khoi and khadi. Sirsa S. R., 1883, p. 14. Bur: the flower of bajra. Karnal S. R., 1880, p. 187. Burak : a light passing shower (Gadi). Cl. megh. Burho: a male spirit which causes sickness. Chamba. Burri: a man who follows the plough in the furrows. Ol. mithi. Karval S. B., 1880,
p. 169.
But: stone. Kangra. Butara : a stone-cutter, from but, stone. Kangra S. R., p. 41.
Butur: the simplest mode of culture, by sowing the seed broadcast in its natural state. Kangra S. R., p. 26.
Chabar: the cover of the stove on which milk simmers. Jullundur S. R., p. 60. 'Chachali : s. f. north-west. Chachao ; « monsure of capacity = 1 path: Kangra S. R. (Lyall), p. 32. Chaddot: * plank to turn off water (Gadi) : see pantor.
Chadyalt: a present made to a widow or divorcée's parents on her re-marriage ; ? chhadna for chhorna to leave or let go. Churah.
Chagar: much the same as jabar (moist low lying land, very good for sugarcane and rice) : the principal rioe-growing land. Cl. chhamb and pabhan. Hoshiarpur S. R., p. 70.
Chagreti : a stick by which the chak (wheel) of the potter is spun. Karnal 8. R., 1880,
p. 200.
Chahil pahil : = -bahil : jollity. P. Dy, p. 178.
Chahn: ill-drained low-lying land of poor quality, often water-logged. Cf, dibar. Hoshiarpur S. R., p. 70.