(JULY, 1911.
Ohahora : first class rice. Hoshiarpur S. R., p. 88.
Chai ohidar: or chaon-chidra-(fr. chai, shade and chidrd boring or entering)-the compounl word means that some evil spirit has taken possession of some person and caused fits. Simla Hills.
Chaikan: a diver. Of. dabolia and dubkia. Karpal S. R., 1880, p. 159.
Chak: (1) a small strong wheel fixed over the well, over which passes the ido (& strong rope). Cf. bhon. Karnal S. R., 1880, p. 161 ; (2) a broad shallow earthen pan into which boiled juice of sugarcane is put to cool. Ibid, p. 182.
Chakir, chokh: the line of division which divides one man's share of field from another. Kangra Gloss.
Chakka: a brick or slab made of stone, deposited in foundations of a house and worshipped: it is called wasti (? diri). Kangra.
Chakni: a sort of cover made of pottery. Karnál S. R., 1880, p. 121. Chakkn&:=chukkna. Chakkna : =chakkhna. Chakota : a cash rent taken in a lump sum, Karnal S. R., p. 105.
Chakpadi: a devi who was sneezed out by Brahma in the form of a fly. Karnal S. R., 1880, p. 155.
Chakrat : astonished (adj. ?) Chakru : the shikor partridge. Kangra Gloss. Chalaka: & finer variety of rice, classed as ziri not dhan, syn. ramjawain. Rohtak. Chaletu, chaleta : the stubble or straw of Indian corn. Kangra Gloss. Challa: bringing or sending home a wife after marriage. Cf. muk lawa. Karnal S. R., 1880,
p. 133.
Challa: the duct from a kál (canal), also=aula, 9.v. Kangra S. R., p. 92. Challan, Popalus cillata, the Himalayan poplar. Simla S. R., 1883, p. 42.
Chalri, a small basket without a cover in which bread is asually placed. Simla S. R., 1888, P. 45.
Chaman : the golden pheasant; called in books the chir. Kangra Gloss. Chamb: A variety of land, Gujranwalla-8. R., p. 25. Chambal: a lever-bag. Sirsa S. R., 1883, p. 406. Chambh: the high bank or cliff of a river. Kangra Gloss. Chamkar: leather trousers : see sular.
Chan: a house, originally applied to a roof of grass; but in general speech applied to any dwelling house. Kangra Gloss.
Chanát, chinat: a paved road or flight of paved steps down a hill-side ; syn. Okhwdl. Kangra Gloge.
Chandi: (adj.) silver, moonlight.
Chandna rerna: to take out and sift, as is done when grain is taken from the family storechest preparatory to use. Kangra Gloss.
Chandri: a boil. Cl. chaņdarâ, at P. Dy., p. 189: Sialkot.
Chang: a ceremony, in which a man stands to the south of a heap of corn and goes round it towards the west, the third and first time and the reverse way the second time. Karnal S. R., 1880
p. 173.
Changli: A two-pronged wooden hay-fork, syn, shirni. Simla S. R., 1883, p. 45. Channa: the side or side wall of a house as opposed to pichwodra, its back. Kangra Gloss.
Chantegu: a tenant who farms land with plough and oxen provided by the landholder. Cf. trihana and athols. Kangra S. R. Review, p. 8.
Chanun: a hole made in the border of a field to let out water above a certain depth. (Palam) Kângra Gloss.
Chap: the leadless thorny bushes of the jhurberi tree. Karnal 8. R., p. 12. Chapancha : see under bij battar.