Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 40
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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MAT, 1911.]
चउसे इगधासयपिहवप्पा सड़कोसभंतरवा ॥
पढमविया विमताबा कोसप्तर पुष्यमिव सेसं ॥६॥ चतुरने तु वप्रत्रयं । भित्तयः प्रत्येकं शतधनु:पृथुलाः। प्रथमहितीववयोश्चान्तरं उभयपार्चमीलने सार्च कोशः। द्वितीय तीवयोश्चान्तरं उभयपार्चमीलनेन कोशः। पुष्यमिव सेसं इति शेषं मध्यभिस्योरन्तर कोश ६०.धनुःप्रमाणं ! अथावापि एकपा बोजनार्धे मील्यते यथा चतुरखे वायभित्तिर्योजनमध्ये न गण्यते । ततश्च बाह्यवप्रमध्यवप्रयोरन्तरं १०००धषि । द्वितीये भित्तिधषि १००। आभ्यन्सरमध्यवप्रयोरन्सरं ५५०० धनुर्मानं । आम्वन्तरे भित्तिधनुः १०० । आभ्यन्तरवप्रात् १३०० धषि गला पीठमध्य । एवं १००० धषि जातानि | तथा चक्रोशड्यं भवति । एवं बचा एकत्र पावे कोशवं भवति तथा द्वितीयपि | चतरनेऽपि एवं योजनं मिलति स्म ॥६॥
(V.6) In a square (samavasaraya) the ramparts are one hundred dhanus (each in distance). The first and the second are one and a half kerosa, and the socond and the third ramparts are one krosa distant (from each other). The rest is as before.
The gloss. on this verse is also important, and may be rendered as follows:
" In a square (samavasarana) also there are three ramparts. The walls are (each) 100 dhanus thick. The distance between the first and second ramparts, by counting both the sides, is one and a hali kroka. The distaáce between the second and third ramparts, by counting both the side: in one larosa. (The words) purvam-inatashah are (to be taken to imply) that the distance between tlie innermost walls is 1 krosa and 600 dhanus. Here also on one side you obtain yojana if in a square samavasara na the outermost wall is not included in the yojana. Then the distance between the outermost and intermediate ramparts is 1,000 dhanus. In the second, you hare (as thickness) 100 dhanus of the wall. The distance between the innermost and intermediate ramparts is 1,500 dhanus. In the innermost you have (As thickness) 100 dhanus. After going over 1,300 dhanus from the innermost rampart, (you reach) the centre of the pedestal, (You) thus have 4.000 dhinus, and the whole) comes to 2 Ierosas. Jast as on one side you have two krosas, on the second side algo. In the square (samarasarana) also you thus obtain one voiana."
The contents of the commentary speak for themselves. But the following will make tbeta quite clear :dhanus hastas ashgulas.
thickness of the wall). ___."11,003
distance between the outermost and inter
mediate ramparts (= half of उभयपान्त र). , 100
thickness (of the wall). Rampart II "1 1,500
distanou between th: intermediate and iu.
____nermost ramparts (= half of उभयपाश्चान्तर). Rampart III .. { 1,300 । 100
thickness (of the wall). space between rampart and centre of
pedestal (taken from the last). 4,000
=2 krobas = yojana. We similarly have to take into account yojana on the other side. The whole thus conues to one yojana.
सोवाणसहसास करपिहुच गन्तुं भुवा पढमवप्पी ।।
सो पन्ना धापयरी तमी असोवाण पण सहसा ||७॥ हस्तपृथचानि पशसहससोपानानि भूमिती गत्वा प्रथमो वः। ततः५० धनुः प्रतरः समा अमिरित्यर्थः। शेष सुगमम् || ॥
तो विपप्पो पनधणु पबर सोवाजसहस पण तत्तो।
सहभोवप्पी छस्सयधणु इगकोसेहिं तो पीढं ॥4॥ सत्तस्तृतीवो वप्रः । तस्य चान्तः षड्यनु शतेनाधिकैकक्रोशेन प्रमितमिति गम्यं क्रोश १ धनुः ६.०प्रमापमित्यर्थः । पीठं समा भूमिरस्ति ।। ८॥
(V. 7) Having gone over ten thousand steps, each one husta broal and high from the (outside) ground, the first rampart (is reached). Then is even plain ground for fifty dhanus, and thereafter five thousand steps again.
(V.8) Then (comes) the second rampart, (and) after that plain level ground for fiity dhanus and tive thousand steps ; (then) the third rampart (and) after that level grouad up to 1 keroja and 600 dhanus.
+ Not to be counted, as stated in the commentary,
Rampart I