Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 40
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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[JUNE, 1911.
Translation 459. Being surrounded by crores of the four classes of gods, the Lord set out for the samavasarana at the break of the day.
460. Then the gods prepared nine golden lotuses of a thousand petals each and placed them in succession in front of the Lord.
461. And the Lord placed his feet on pairs of them, (and) the gods forth with pushed in front the remainder (i.e., those on which he had placed his feet).
462. Then the Lord of the world entered the samarasarana from the eastern portal and circumambulated the chaitya tree.
463. Having salnted the tirtha and with his face turned towards the east, the Lord, for dispelling the darkness, vis., the infatuations of the world, occupied the lion-throne just as the Sun (occupies) the eastern mountain.
मुणिवेमाणिणिसमणी सभवण जोइवणदेविदेवति। कप्पमुरनरिस्थितिअं ठंति [गेयाइकिदिसासु ।। १५ चउसेविसमणि उद्वाहा निविता नरिस्थिसुरसमण |
इय पण सग परिस सुति देसणं परमवप्पंतो ।। १६ आमेयीनैऋतीवायवीऐशानीविदिक्षु यथोक्तं संभात्रयं यथाक्रमं पूर्वस्यां दक्षिणार्या पश्चिमायामुत्तरायां प्रविश्य प्रदक्षिणां दस्खा तिष्ठति । तथा चैतयोरक्षराणि। भवसेसा संजया निरइलेसिया पुरथिमेणं चेव दारणं पविसित्ता भयवंतं ति पयाहिणी का वंदित्ता नमो तित्थस्स नमो अइसेसिभाणं ति भणित्ता अहसेसिभाण पिहो निसीअंति |वेमाणिभाणं देवीश्री पुरत्थिमेणं चेव दारेणं पविसित्ता भयवंतं ति पयाहिणी करित्ता - वित्ता यनमोतित्यस्स नमो अइससिप्राएं नमो साहणंति भणिना निरइसेसिआणं पिहओ ठातिन निसीयंति।
समणीओ पुरथिमेणं व दारेणं पविसित्ता तिथवरं ति पयाहणी करितावंदित्ता नमो तित्यस्स नमो अइसेसियाणं नमी साहुणंते भणित्ता वेमाणियाणं देवीणंपिहयो ठायति न निसीयति भववासिणीश्री देवीची जोइसिपीओवंतरीओ एआवाहिणे वारेण पविसित्तातित्यवरं तिपयाहणीकरिता वंदित्ताय दाहिएपच्छिमेणं ठायति भवावासिणी पिडओ जोइसिणीश्री सासिं पिही यंतरीयी। भवणवासिदेवा जोहसिया देवा वाणमंतरा देवा एए अवरसारणं पविसित्ता तं व विहिं कार्ड उत्तरपरिमणं डायति जहासंखं पिही । वेमाहिया देवा मणुस्ता मणुस्सीओ अ उत्तरेणं दारणं पविवित्ता उत्तरपुरित्यिमेणं अयंति जहासंखं पिहो। एषा पूर्णिरय वृत्तिः।
अब च मूलटीकाकारण भवनपतिप्रभृतीनां स्थानं निषीदनं वा स्पष्टाक्षरेनोक्तम् । अवस्थानमेव प्रतिपादितम् । पूर्वाचार्योपदेशलिखितपहिकाविचित्रकर्मबलेन तु सर्वाश्चतस्र एव देव्यो न निषीदन्ति । देवाश्चत्वारः पुरुषाः स्त्रियश्च निषीदन्तीति प्रतिपादयन्ति केचनेत्यलं प्रसंगेन ।। १५ ।। १६ ॥
(V. 15.) (1.). The male ascetics, Vaimânika goddesses and female ascetics, (II.) the goddesses of the Bhavanapatis, Jyotishkas, and Vyantaras, (III.) the three classes of gods, and (IV.) tha Kalpasuras, men and women, (baving entered the samavasarana from the east) and other cardinal directions respectively) stand in the south-east and other intermediate directions respectively.
(V.16.). The four (orders of) the goddesses and female ascetics remain standing, and men, women, the (four orders of the) gods and male ascetics sit. Thus do the (irst) five and tire (second) seven [ic., in all twelve] congregations listen to the sermon from (i.e., remaining in) tin: first (i.e., uppermost) rampart.
There are twelve congregations, of which five stand up and seven sit down. The former are Sramaņis and the four divisions of the goddesses, vis., the wives of Vaimînikas, Bhavanapatis, Jyotishkas, and Vyantaras. The latter are just these four classes of gods, Sramaņas, men and women.
We need not enter further into the details of the commentary, especially as they have beca sufficiently well set forth in the following verses from the Trishashti-salád-purusha-charitra.