Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 40
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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JUNE, 1911.]
The importance of this inscription consists in the fact that this is a record of a second and new Rashtrakůţa family found in Rajpating. The existence of the first was made known to us by an inscription found at Hátbundt near Bijapur in the Bali district, Jodhpur State. It was first published, but partially, by the late Prof. Kielhorn in the Jour. Beng. As. Soc., Vol. LXVII, Part I, pr. 809-14, and has now been fully and critically edited by Pandit Ram Karna of Jodhpur in the Ep. Ind., Vol. x, p. 17 ff. It informs us that a Rashtrakuta family was reigning in the tenth centary at Hastikundi (Hathandi ). But our inscription attests the existence of an entirely new Rashtrakûța dynasty in Rajputând holding sway over province nearly one hundred miles north-east of Hathandi,
Text.i 1 ओ औ नमः शिवाय ।। गंगातोबेन सिक्ता ससिकुसुमभृतो नेचवडिप्रतापक्रोधोचकंपमानोड्स
भुजगफणापुछपत्रप्रवा१लाः। शोभात्पुंस्कपालप्रविरचितधिरीमालकैकालवालाः पापात्पांतु स्मरारेवरविकराटावालयो यः सदैव ।। सभाधाभामिदं भवस्व भवन कारापित भूतले(मालेवाचलकूटसमिभमुपप्रासाददेवैः सह । श्रीमल्ली
लनृपारिकीर्तिरमला नहा हि येनावृता()कीय्योतितभूतलः स जबति श्रीचचनामा नृपः ॥[२]भन्वये राष्ट्रकूटानां'
भासीच्छाप्रमईमः । श्रीमां भलील5 भूपालो भूपालः सेवितक्रमः||१] तत्सूनुर्दन्तिवर्मास्यः श्रीमानभूवृपोत्तमः । सदं कारितं तेन संभोर्भ
वाब्धिमोधिना"[*]बावुत्पनी सती 6 तस्व(नृपावन्वयभूषकों[] श्रीबुद्धराजगोविन्दौ कीा वाती हि भूतले।[५] भक्त्वा विधापित
चाचामाबालोहितमंदिरं [मातृहम्बि] [संबु]7 (Oबाप्या वाटिकवापि हि[*] शिवलोकमवातस्तेहाब नैमि [ग]तेः । लुमायां भूमांच
(1) सताक्षीपेच मंदिरे ॥[0] शिवभक्तोम8 पच्छेवो नमभहारकाभिधः । अनर्चनादिको [दृष्टा] देवस्तेनावमाश्रितः [C] भासीदप तवान्वये
नृपतव[स्ते पामिर कीर्तनं]0) 9 श्रीमचचनृपस्वि] पूर्णगुणिनोवा ख्या]व पत्थं पुनः] | हर्थि] [] [विधापितं क्षितितले
धंकेस्वरस्व प्रभो (0साधुः सणसंवतः स जयति श्रीनन10 महारका[*] बावज्ञानुस्तपति गगने घीतगुशाच सिष्ठे[स्वावलंगा हिमशिखरिणो वाति कलोल.
माला । भब्धी वावच सहगिरिभिः 11 मां फणेन्द्रो विधयेतवत्सस्कोतिरियममला तिष्ठ 12 [व्यो] [स] १.]"भालिख[नसन स्कीणीप रनसाहिसूनुना । पीमिता] रामदेवेन] 13 बल्लाकसारभूनना।[११]संवत् १०६५ वोसाग यदि ५ सौरे
2.-Shergadh Stone Inscription. This inscription was found engraved on a stone lying ontside the temple of Lakshmi-Nariyana at Shergadh in the Kotah State, Rajputânâ. I edit it from an inked impression kindly supplied to me by Paudit Gaurishankar Ojhs of Ajmer.
The record contains fifteen lines of writing, which corers a space of 1'-5" broad by 101 high. The characters are Nagari. Of these, attention may be drawn to (1) the letter bh, whose form is rather peculiar, and (2) the subscript y, which gives the whole conjunct letter, the appearance
* From impressions of Pandit Ramkaran of Tonk supplied by Pandit Gaurishankar Ojha.
Denoted by a symbol. 3 Read for : Read af. Read guy. • Read शुभ्रा. .
' Properly कारित; but this does not suit the metre. • One dot of this visarga is above, and the other below, वै.
• Read °कूटानामासी. 10 Read श्रीमान्.
il Read शम्भी . 13 There is some space left between the letters and a
___13 Read धंकेश्वरस्व. - Read फणीन्द्रो. Is Read तावत्सस्कोति. 10 Read भालेखन. Read °समुस्कीर्णा. 10 I am unable to understand the meauing of these words.
• Read वैशाख