Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 40
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 137
________________ MAY, 1911.] TAINA ICONOGRAPHY 127 समवसरणरचनामाह। भम्भितरमझबाहिं तिवप्प मणिरयणकण्यकविसीसा ।। रवणझुणरुप्पमया विमाणिवजोइभवणकया ॥४॥ भयं भावः । अभ्यन्तरो रत्नमयो विमानिककृतो मणिकपिशीर्षकः १। मध्यमो ज्योतिष्ककृतोऽर्जुनसंज्ञः सुवर्णमयो रलकपिशीर्षः२बाह्यो भवनपतिकृतो रूप्यमयो हेमकपिशीर्षः ॥४॥ (V. 4.) There are three ramparts:--the innermost, intermediate, and outmost. [The first] is constructed of gems, with the battlements (kapisirsha) of rubies, by the Vaimánikas; [the second] of gold with the battlements of gems, by the Jyotishkas; (and the third of silver with the battlements of gold, by the Bhavanapatis. The same description of the ramparts is given and at greater length in the following verses from the Trishashți-saldká-purusha-charitra : तदोपरितनं वर्ष विमानपतवो व्यधुः। रत्नमयं रत्नगिरेराहतां मेखलामिव ।।५।। नानामणिमयान्यासन्कपिशीर्षाणि च। अंशुभिः सूत्रयन्ति या चित्रवर्णाधुकामिव ।।१३४॥ मध्यभागे पुनः स्वागयोतिभिरिव पिण्डितः । प्राकारं कनकज्योतिष्पतयस्ता चक्रिरे ॥ १५ ॥ रलविरचवामासुः कपिशीर्षाणि तब च। सरासुरवधूपक्चरलादयितानि ते||१६|| कप्ववपश्च भवनपतिभिस्तद्वाहिष्कृतः । भकिती मण्डलीभूत इव वैतापपर्वतः ।। ४३७ ॥ सस्वोपरि विशालानि कपिशीर्षाणि अज्ञिरे। सौवर्णान्थम्बुजानीव दिविषहर्षिकाजले ।। १३८॥ भवनाधिपतिज्योतिष्पतिवैमानिकश्रियाम् । एकैककुण्डलेनेव सा विवीकृता बभौ ॥ ३९ ॥ Translation. 433. Then the Vimanapatis constructed the appermost rampart consisting of gems [and looking Jas if it were the snatched-away girdle of Ratnagiri (lit. the mountain of gems). 434. And there composed of various rabies were [its] battlements (kapifirsha), which, with (their) rays made thesky [decked] as if with a cloth of variegated colours. 435. There again in the central portion the Jyotishpatis constructed a rampart of pieces of gold, which were, as it were, the lustres of their bodies rolled into one lamp. 436. And of gems they made the battlements there, which looked like jewel mirrors to the females of gods and demons. 437. And outside it asilver rampart was, through devotion, constructed by the Bharanapatis, which was, as it Mount Vaitadhya, become circular. .. 488. Thereon extensive battlements (of gold) were made, which were like gold lotuses in the water of the celestial well. 439. The Earth shone with these three ramparts as if she were decorated with three car-rings of the Srir (beauty personified) of Bhavanapatis, Jyotiskas, and Vaimanikas, respectively. वहमि दुतीसंगुलतितीसधणु पिहुल पणसवणुचा ।। जणुसबागकोसंसराय रयण्मयचटरा||५॥ अथ समवसरणं विधा स्वात् पत्तं चतुरखं वा । सष वृत्ते वपत्रवभित्तयः प्रत्येक धनुः ३२ अगुलपथुला भवन्ति | बथा त्रयाणामपि वप्राणामन्तराणि उभयपान्तरमीलनेन एककोशषधनुःशतप्रमाणानि स्युः। पाहितिसोपानानि १००० मितानि योजनमध्ये न गण्वन्ते । ततः प्रथमवपाद ५० धनुःप्रतरः ततोऽये ५००० सोपानानि तेषां च हस्तमानवाचतुर्भिर्भागे लब्धानि १२५० धनषि ततो द्वितीयवमात् ५. धनु प्रतरः


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