Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 40
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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TMAT, 1911.
पबडिअसमतभावो केवलिभावो जिण जत्य भवे ॥
सोहति सवभो तहि महिमाजोयणमनिलकुमरा ॥२॥ प्रकटिसाः समस्ता भावात्रिभुवनान्तर्वतिनी बेन सः । तथा केवलिभावः केवलित्वं वत्र स्वात्तस्मिन्स्थाने शोधवन्ति सर्वतः प्रथिर्वी भाबोजन योजनमभिष्वाप्य वाबुकमाराः॥२॥
(V. 2.) Wherever the Jinas exbibit the condition of a kávalin, in which all substances manifest themselves, there the Vaya-Kumâras cleanse the earth one yojana all around.
The same thing is expressed by the following vorse from Hemachandra's Trishashti-saldkápurusha-charitra:
ततः समवसरणस्वावनीमकवोजनाम् । भमृजन्वाजकुमाराः स्वयं मार्जितमानिनः॥ ५२३ ॥
Translation Theu Vaya-Kumaras, who themselves had been purged of their pride, cleansed the ground of Samavasarana (to the extent) of one yojana.
वरिखंति मेहकुमरा सुरहिवलं उससुरा कुसुमपसरं ।।
विरबंति वण मणिकणगरवणचित्त महीवलं तो ॥३॥ मेषकुमारास्तष सुरभि जलं वर्षन्ति । रसुरा इति परतूनामधिष्ठातारः सुरा व्यन्तरा इत्वर्थः। - मुलाचरं वर्षन्ति मधोमुखवृन्तान्पुष्पपकरान्कुर्वन्तीस्वर्यः। ततो वण बाणमन्तराः मणवश्चन्द्रकान्तायाः
इन्द्रनीलादीनि रत्नानि | भवं भावः । मणिकनकरलौषि महीतल रचबन्ति पीठबन्धं कुर्वन्तीत्यर्थः॥३॥
(V. 3.) The Megba-Kamaras rain down fragrant wator ; [the Vyantaras], who are the gods (presiding] over the seasons, spread heaps of flowers; and the Våņamantaras make the surface of the earth rariegated with raby, gold and gems.
Side by side with the above may be read the following three verses, from Hemachandra's work:
गंन्धाम्बुवृष्टिभिर्मेषकुमाराः सिषिचुः क्षितिम् | सुगन्धिवाष्पैः सोक्षिप्तधूपावैष्यतः प्रभोः॥ ४२४ ॥ भ्यन्तराः स्वर्णमाणिक्यरलाइमभिरुवंशुभिः । मात्मानमिव भक्त्या सबन्धुर्वसुधातलम् || १२५ ।। तबाधोमुखवृन्तानि भोगतानीव भूतलात्। पञ्चवर्णानि पुष्पाणि सुगन्धान्यकिरच ते ।। ५२।।
Translation. 424. The Megha-Kumaras watered the earth with showers of fragrant water. With the fragrant vapours (arising therefrom], [the earth appeared) as it she offered incense-worship to the Lord that was to come.
425. The Vyantaras through devotion paved the surface of the earth, themselves as it were with stones, tis., gold, rabies and gems.
426. And there they scattered fragrant flowers of fire [different] colours with stalk downwards, as if sprung from the surface of the earth.
Here it will be seen that the work of spreading flowers and that of paving the floor have both been assigned by Homachandra to the Vyantara, whereas by the author of the Samarasaranastavana the first only is assigned to Vyantaras, the second being pat to the charge of the Vâņamantaras. But there is really speaking, no inconsistency. For, as will be seen from the list appended to this paper, there are two classes of Vyantaras: (1) those who are called simply Vyantaras and (2) those who are called V&ņamantaras. Hemachandra merely speaks of the work 'done by the Vyantara class in general and the Samarasarana-etarana specifies the work done by each of the two Vyantara orders.