MAT, 1911.
Rajasthånt spoken there. This theory well the Nagar Brahmans, although Gujaratte, do not accounts for the existence of the quasi-Rajasthani in these hills, with its Khasa substratum.
"I must apologize for this long letter. I should Regarding the Nagar Brahman of Gujarat, not bave written it were I not intensely interesthave you seen Nagendranatha Vasu's paper on ed in the subject matter of your paper, and "the Origin of the Nagaras and the Nagart | desired to evolkin to yon erant
desired to explain to you exactly what my present Alphabet" in Jour, Bong. As. Soc., Vol. LXY,
opinions are regarding the Rajpata of the Sab. Part I, for 1896, p. 114 f? If you have not Himalaya." seen it, I think you would find it interesting.
G. A. GRIERSON. Though the subject is rather out of my line, I
OAXBERLEY, think there is a good deal in his contention as to
SURVEY. the origin of the name "Någari." As you know,
nun." At AurangAbad there is a well, known as the (2) "Nothing is really known about AndhraSonebaurl or Golden Well, and the story goesparra" is what I read in para. 2. Introduction, that Bibt Magbira, said to be a danghter of the p. 129. But as a matter of fact, a good deal is Emperor, SbAh Alam, died in that city. A tomb known about him, and part of it is alread was to be raised to her memory and four masons available in English in my "Life of Ramanuja of the highest class offered to construct it, bat and his masters and disciples"'). There is a separato before commencing their work they went to book itself called the Andhra-púryacharyabathe in the famous well, when there appeared charitram()" to them some of the water nympbe inhabiting it. (3) Page 129, para. 1. Instead of. Tiravarat Two of them succumbed to the charnis of the gattandadi, it ought to be Ramanuja-natr nymphs and disappeared under the water, but andadi. the remaining two built the beautiful mausoleum (4) Page 130, footnote 3. I would from to the princess, which is still standing, and were "Yiga=worship of Gud in one form," omit in richly rewarded.
one form." They desired to go elsewhere and earn further (5) Page 133, verse 29, instead of "Ganga-tatádrewards, and were only permitted to do so on Yamuna-mantra-vasyo," it ought to be read :oondition that they lost their right hands, so "Gang-tat-Y Adave-mantra-Vabyo." It is most that they might never again construct so fine uofortunate that Yamana and YAdava bave been a building. This did not deter them from re- mixed up. pairing to Hyderabad with the loss of a hand (6) Page 153, Footnote. Chandokya' should each. There they built the great Chehar Minar, be Cbbandograd on completing which they each lost the other Page 131. Tiu-Kachobinambi'should be Tirahand. Eventually they died " in peace."
k-kacchinambi. M.N. CAITTANAE,
Page 134. Madarántakam'should be 'MadhuNIZAX COLLEGE,
Hyderabad, Decoan. Page 137. Madarakavi' should be MadhursHTDERABAD (DECCAN). S
Page 137. Sntari' should be . Satb&ci.' (See Ind. Ant. 1909, May, p. 129 f.)
(7)Page 138. Baranågatha-gadya'should be San
någati gudya. And be third Gadya of Ramanuja Sis-Apart froin typographical errors, I con
is never known as Bri-sadya as is written in the sider it a duty to point out the following for the
footnote, bat is known as the Vaikunta-gadya. information of your readers :(1) According to the traditions of the Tengalai
(8) In all nar reliable traditions, the son of the
ruler of KATcht was not possessed by the evil or the Southern Sehool of the Sri Vaisbaavas, no
spirit, but the daughter. The verse sboald be work called Yatir Jja-vaibhavam is attributed to
corrected accordingly after collation with Andhra parna or Vaduganambi. A Sanskrit
an ther good copy. This alone raises a doubt as hymnal Sri-Ramanujashtottara-bata-namani
to Andhra-Parns being the author of Yatirje ulone is attributed to him, containing the
Vaibhava. colophon
A. GOVINDACHARYA, C.EM.B.A.S. "Yad Andhra-parpena mah&tman-edam stot- MTBORR (VEDA GRIHAN) rais kritam sarva-jan-Avan@ya, Taj-jivabhatam 5th July 1910.