Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 40
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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[MAY, 1911.
५००० सोपानानां १२५० धनूंषि । ततस्तृतीयवप्रः ततः १३०० धनूंषि गत्वा पीठमध्यं । तिस्रोपि च भित्तयो धनुः ३३ हस्त १ अंगुल ८ पृथुलाः । सर्वधनुर्मीलने ३९९९ जातं । वथा ३२ अंगुलत्रिगुणीकरने ९६ अंगुलैरक धनुः स्यात् । एवं जातानि ४००० । एवं एकस्मिन्पार्श्वे क्रोशइयं एवं द्वितीयेऽपि क्रोश २ । इति मिलितं वृत्तसमवसरणे योजनम् ॥ ५ ॥
(V. 5.) In the round Samavasarana, the ramparts are 33 dhanus and 52 angulas wide, 500 dhanus high and 1 krosa 600 dhanus (counting both sides) distant from each other. Each rampart has four gates made of gems.
The commentary on this verse is important, and its translation will be found useful. I give it here:
"A samavasarana may be of two kinds,-round or square. In the round samavasarana each of the three ramparts is 33 dhanus 32 ashjulas thick. The distances between the three ramparte, counting the distances on both the sides should be 1 krosa and 600 dhanus. The steps outside, numbering 10,000, are not included in the yojana (which is the expanse of the samavasarana. Then after the first rampart is plain level ground of 50 dhanus. Farther are 5,000 steps; they are each 1 hasta long. Dividing (5,000) by 4, we obtain 1,250 dhanus (as the whole length of space occupied by the steps). Then after (crossing) the second rampart there are 50 dhanus or plain level ground and 1,250 dhanus (as the length) of 5,000 steps. Then comes the third rampart, and after traversing 1,300 dhanus, the centre of the pedestal. The three ramparts are each 33 dhanus 1 hasta and 8 angulas thick. By adding all the dhanus (mentioned above), we get 3,999. By trebling 32 amgulas we obtain 96 angulas 1 dhanus. Thus it comes to 4,000 (dhanus). Taking only one side into consideration we thus have 2 krosas. On the other side (also) there are (similarly) 2 krosas. The yojana (space) is thus accounted for in the case of a round samavasarana." So far the translation. But in order to make the contents of the commentary quite clear, it is necessary to add a little explanation. As a preliminary to this, the following table may be here given :
24 angulas 1 hasta. 4 hastas 1 dhanus. 2,000 dhanus = 1 krota. 4 krosas = 1 yojana.
Now, what the commentary says is clear from the following:
Rampart I
Rampart II
Rampart III ...1,300
We similarly have yojana on the other side.
steps of the first Rampart (ie., the length of the space occupied by them).
thickness of the wall.
plain level ground.
steps of the second Rampart, but occupying space in the first.
plain level ground.
steps of the third Rampart, but occupying space in the second.
space between wall and centre of pedestal.
2 krosasyojana.
The whole thus amounts to 1 yojana.
Most of the points noted in the commentary are specified in verses 7 and 8 below.
Not to be counted, being outside the samavasarana. Half of 1 krosa 600 dhanus, which is ubhaya-parivayor-antars.