Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 40
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 140
________________ 180 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY [MAY, 1911, All the details set forth in these verses have already been specified and utilised in the conimentary on verse 6. चउदार तिसोवाणं मजझे मणिपीठयं जियातणुवं ।। दोधरासयपिहीहं सड़कोसेहिं धरणियला ॥९॥ चार बिसोपानं समवसरणे मध्ये मणिपीठं जिनदेहमानमुषं २०० धनुः पृथु की च भूतलात्सार्धक्रोशइबेन भवति ॥९॥ (V. 9) In the centre is a gem-studded pedestal, with four doors, three steps, and as high as the figure of the Jins, 200 dhanus broad and long, two and a half krosne high from the ground level. जिणतणु बारगुणची समहिभनोभणाहू असोगतरू ।। तब होइ देवछंदे चउसीहासण सपबपीडा ॥ १०॥ । सिमेव गाउभाईचारुक यो जिलस्स पढनस्स | सेसाण बारसगुणी धीरे बत्तीस य धणि ॥१॥वीराम् बादशगुणी धनुः २१ प्रमाणो भवति । पीठकमध्ये जिनसमुद्वादशगुणोदः समधिकयोजनपृथुलो अशोकवृक्षः। भस्य च जिनतनुवादशगुणोचावे पशुधनुःशतोच्चवभित्तितो बहिनिर्गनाभावेन योजनपृथुत्वं दुर्घटं । परं एसदुपरिस्था इति तुतरसाल वृक्षेण कृत्वाऽस्य योजनपृथुस्वं संभाव्यते । सनुपरि सालो समयविस्थिती इत्यन्यत्र प्रोक्तवान् । अब च श्रीधर्मघोषसरिपरिरशोकसालबोरक्वविवक्षया शोकस्यैव योजनपृथुवमुक्तमिति संभाव्यते ।। उसमस्स तिनि गाऊ बत्तीसधणूणि वज्रमाणस्स । सेसजिणाणमसोभी सरीरड बारस्सगुणोति ॥ इति प्रवचनसारोद्धारवचनापशोकस्य जिनतनुबादशगुणोचवमपि प्रायिक संभाव्यते । परमेतहाथोकेप्थशोकप्रमाणे श्रीकृषभं बिनाऽपरेषां तीर्थकनी अशोकस्व योजनबाविस्वं सालेनैव घटते । सालच श्रीवीरस्वापिनोऽभूत अन्येषां तु तीर्थकता न्यग्रोधादयः। उक्तं च चवीसाए सिस्यवराणं चवीसं चेअरुक्खा हुत्या तं जहा। निग्गोह (१) सनिवण्णे (२) साले (पिये (४) पियंगु (८) छत्ताहे (६) सिरीसे (9) नागरुक्खे (6) माली व (९) पिबंखुरुक्खेय (१०)॥१॥ सिंग (११) पाडल (१२) जम्ब (१) आसत्धे (१४) खलु तहेव इधिवष्णे (१५) नंदारुक्खे (१० तिलए (१०) भंबगरुक्खे (१८) अजोगे य (११) ॥२॥ चंपब (२०) बउले व तहा (२९) वेडसरुक्खे (२२) धावईरुक्खे (२३) ।। साले भ (२४) वजुमाणस्सपायरुक्खा जिणवराणं ||३|| बत्तीसं धणूबाई चेअरुक्षी व वजुमाणस्स || निचोउगी असौगो ओच्छनी सालहक्खेण ॥४॥ तिनेव गाउभाई चेयरुक्खा जिणस्स उसभस्स ॥ संसाणं पुण रुक्खा सरीरभो बारसगुणाभी ।।५।। सच्छत्ता सपहागा सवेश्या तोरणहि उववेया ।। सुरभमुरगहलमहीया चेइवरुक्खा जिणवरा ॥६॥ इति बत्तीसं धपूवा इति । असोगवरपायवं जिपरचताउ बारसगुणं विउवई इत्यावश्यकर्णिवचनात् सप्तहस्तमानात् श्रीवीरस्वामिदेहात् बादशगुणीकृतः सन् २१ धनषि भवत्यशोकः । तदुपरि ११ धनुर्मानः सालवृक्षश्च स्यात् । उभयोर्मीलने ३२ धनूंषि चैत्यमो वारस्थति संप्रदायः॥बत्तीस धणु असोगी तदुपरि सालो समयविस्थिनो ॥ इति तिहभणसिरिकुलभवणमिति यशोभद्रकृतस्तवनेष्वेवं । निस्वं तुरेव पुष्पादिकालो बस्थति निस्वतंकः भवच्छन्नसालवृक्षणति वचनादशोकोपरि सालवृक्षोऽपि कथंचिदस्तीति ज्ञायते इति । अशोकवृक्षाधो देवच्छन्दके चत्वारि सिंहासनानि सपा- ' सपीठानि ॥१०॥ (V. 10) (In the centre of the dain stands) the A Boka tree, twelve times as high as the body of the Jina, and exceeding a yojana in breadth. Then (underneath) is a (particular kind of pedestal called) devachchhashda, (and on it are) four lion-thrones accompanied by (four) foot-stools. The commentary on this verse would be too long and discursive to be translated here. But the substance of it may be briefly statel as follows. We are toll that the Aboks tree should be twelve times the height of a Jins and should be spread to the extent of one yojana all round. Now, this may be possible in the case of agreat many Jinas, but not of all;e.g, Mahavira. The height of Mahavira is 7 hastas. Multiplying it by 12, we obtuin 84 hastas = 21 dhanus as the height of the Asoka tree in this particular instance. This tree, being only 21 dhanus high, cannot even be expected to extend beyond the wall of the third vapra, which is itself 500 dhanus high as Verse 5 informs us. How then can it reach the extent of one yojana as required by the present Yer se? In the answer given by the commentator to this question, there is a little confusion. But the true solution proposed by him appears to be this: The instruction about making the Asoka tree twelve times as high as the body of the Jina holds good in the case of all Jinas except two, - Rishabhanaths and Mahavira. In the case of the former it should be 3 gau, i.e., 3 kerosas high, and of the latter, 32 dhanus. Verses from two or three different sources are cited in support of this. Then is inade the important suggestion that the height of the Asoka tree shonld be increased by placing on it the individual chaitya tree of the Jins Authorities for this also are adduced, and verses quoted specifying the various chaitya trees of the Jinas. In the present instance, the difficulty is to be got over by placing, on the Asoka tree of 32 dhanus in height, Sala tree, the chaitya tree of Mahavira, of course, of such a height as easily to pass beyond the wall of the uppermost papra and thus make it possible to spread one yojana all round. (To be continuerl.)


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