Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 32
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 34
________________ 28 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JANUARY, 1908. Fol. 162. and there are Sett before him Store of Betelee Aroos to eat. Fol. 163. The Betelee Areos: is here [Achin) in great plenty .... they catt y! Areon nut into very thin slices ........ thus will they almost all day longo chew betelee Areca. Fol. 164. Aroos (viz! : commonly called betele. Nat). Soo Yale, s. v. Areca, the betel-nut. These quotations are valuable. ARMAGON. Fol. 18. in the Pagod of Armagon, Severall lines Engraven in y: marble. Ful. 31. Armagon: Somo 20 miles Northward of Pallicat was Once yo Residence of an English Governour and his Councell, but was many years agoe broke off, y: English Company fiudinge that ffort S'! Georges cold well Sapply them why! Commodities of this Const. Not in Yale. Vide ante, Vol. XXX. p. 847. ARRACK. Fol. 39. That Stronge East India Liquor called Araok, is made and Sold in great abundance by y! Gentoes here, but not by y!: Mahometans. Fol. 40. Arack is a liquor distilled Severall ways, as Some ont of y! graine called Rice. another Sort from yo Jagaree ... another Sort there is y! [is] distilled from Neep toddy .:.. but y! weakest of these is much Stronger then any Wine of y! Grape. Soe Yule, s. v. Arrack. [These quotations are nseful. See ante, Vol. XXX. p. 391.] (A hhdd. Arrack to the garrison. 30th Dec. 1680. N. and B. p. 48.] ABBAM. Fol. 66. now he (Emir Jemla) is noe sooner Setled in this Kingdome, but begins a warre with y: Radja of Acham, a Stronge and Potent Neighbouringe Prince ....... they lost ... the Kingdome of Achem, See Yule, 1. v. Assam, BAFTA.' Pol. 146. y: English Merchant presenteth hin w a piscash not Valueinge lesse then 50 pound Sterlinge in gold bartos. Fol. 167. The Chiefe Commodities bronght hither from Suratt: are some sorts of Calli0006 vis! Baftos white and blew w gold heads and borders. Fol. 162. Here y! Orongkay must be presented with one piece of Baftos to y! Valne of 2 tailes. Fol. 173. in y! night did rippe open a baile of fine blew battoos, and thereout he tooke 7 pieces. See Yule, s. v. Bafta. (These quotations are valuable. See ante, Vol. XXIX. p. 387.] BAHAR Fol. 132. Cupine : 8 of woh are one baharre weight (of langelone) or 420 : English pound weight. In any considerable quantitie of goods Sold togeather woe agree for soe many Babarre. Fol. 134. Wee alsoe tracko for tinne, att y! rate of 28 dollars p! baharre ready money, and 40 upon trucke for our Goods. See Yule, s. o. Bahar.


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