Book Title: Rushibhashit Sutra
Author(s): Vinaysagar, Sagarmal Jain, Kalanath Shastri, Dineshchandra Sharma
Publisher: Prakrit Bharti Academy
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that variation of Parshwa chapter which was included in the book titled Gativyakaran248. From philosophical view point it contains form of the Universe; movement of matter and soul; Karma, its precipitation, fruitition, and various consequences. Also discussed are panchastikaya (five fundamentals) and form of Moksha. From view point of conduct it contains discussion about Chaturyam, passions, the eighteen evil activities from killing to misconception, sterile food etc.
First of all it conveys that the Universe and five fundamentals are eternal. But with the acceptance that the Universe is eternal, it has also been stated that it is transient; the fact that Parshwa believed the Universe to be eternal is also mentioned in Bhagwati sutra. Again, soul and matter both are said to be dynamic and soul tends to move upwards and matter downwards. Originally four movements, Dravyagati (movement of matter), Bhavagati (movement of thought or feeling), Kshetragati (Movement of space) and Kaalgati (movement of time) have been discussed. But in text variation Prayogagati (movement inspired by others) and Visrasagati (self inspired movement), have also been discussed. Also narrated is the discussion about eight types of Karmic bondages and four categories of life forms. Text variation also details Audayik and Parinamikgati. (self evolved and consequentially evolved life forms). Along with is mentioned that a being suffers the consequences of evil and good deeds done by him. In the end presenting the moral thoughts it has been said that one who follows Chaturyam, is devoid of passions, and eats sterile food, does not enter the eight types of Karmic bondages, and ultimately gets liberated249
32. PING
In Rishibhashit250 Ping has been mentioned as Brahman Parivrajak Arhat Rishi. The adjective Brahman Parivrajak clearly indicates that he was a Rishi of Brahman tradition. His discourse in Rishibhashit mainly propagates details about spiritual cultivation. An unknown Rishi asks Ping, 'Which is your farm (working area)? What is irrigation?' The reply given is 'Soul is the farm or working area, penance is the seed, discipline is irrigation 200 इसिभासियाई सुत्ताई