Book Title: Rushibhashit Sutra
Author(s): Vinaysagar, Sagarmal Jain, Kalanath Shastri, Dineshchandra Sharma
Publisher: Prakrit Bharti Academy
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contain the last verses in which the name of Dharmaghosh-suri as its author is mentioned. The Rishimandal vritti with Gujarati translation, published by Jain Vidyashala, Ahmedabad, also does not contain this verse. In the copies believed to be written by Dharmaghosh-suri, as mentioned in the catalogues of Jaisalmer and Khambhat collections, there is difference in total number of verses. Some copies mention 208 and 210 verses and others 225 and 233 verses.
Not only this, there is also a clearly evident difference in number of verses available in the published editions of Rishimandal stava. For example:
a) Rishimandal Vritti—with Vritti by Shubh Vardhan-suri, published by Jain Vidyashala, Doshiwada Pole, Alimedabad in 1925, has 205 verses. Here the author is not mentioned as Dharmaghosh-suri.
b) Jain Stotra Sandoh-published by Prachin Jain Sahityoddhar Granthavali, Sarabhai Manilal Navan, Ahmedabad, in 1832, has 209 verses. Here the author is mentioned as Dharmaghosh Sraman.
c) Rishimandal Prakaran—with Vritti by Padmanandi, published by Seth Pushpachandra Kshemchandra. Valad via Ahmedabad in 1939, has 217 verses, the author is mentioned to be Dharmaghosh Saman.
All this conveys that the Rishimandal, believed to be written by Dharmaghosh-suri has differences in the available editions. Also, there is a difference in the sequence of verses as well. As such the possibility that the available edition of Rishimandal Prakaran contains verses from the Isimandalatthu or Rishibhashit-Niryukti, mentioned in Acharanga churni, can not be ruled out. Thus it is doubtful that the Risirimandal Prakaran supposed to be written by Dharmaghosh-suri is totally his creation.
5. On analysing the last verses of Rishimandal Prakarun, I feel that the last three or four verses are later additions into the original. Earlier editions of Rishimandal Prakaran must have