Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 14
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 29
________________ JANUARY, 1885.) OLD.KANARESE INSCRIPTION AT TERDÅ! 21 ["] vai dharmmam=imt=idan=ullamghisid-âtanugra-narak-ôdirnn-ânta-samvartta-garttadol= algan parirakshe-geydavan=upe[n]dr-ahindra-dêvêmdra-sampadadol=kûduguv(m)= alliyum padeguv(m)-a-kalp-ayumam briyumam l. Priyadim[RS] dam"-idan=eyde kâda purushamg=yu mahå-sriyum-akkuv-idam k&ya da dâ(pa)takaṁge piridun Gamgå-Gaya-Váraņabi-Kurukshetradi putra-gô-dvija muni-brátamgalam konda patakam-akkum bidad-ikkum=& puru["] sbanwendum ranrava-sthậnamam || Sasanam-id=&vud-elliya blsanam=år=ittar=éke salisuven-an-i sasanaman-emba pâtakan=à sakaļa rauravakke galaga!an= iligum | Sva-dattam para-dattâm vâyo harêti(ta) vasundharam shash thir(shti)-vva(va)[ro]sha-sahasråņi vishtayam (*) jậyatê krimi[h*) ! TRANSLATION. with wells, tanks, parrots, and black bees, May the religion of Jina, the religion of the forests, with crores of the holy dwellings of lord of the three worlds, the unfailing charac- the various gods, Bråhmans, and Vaiấyas, and teristic of which is the glorious and very with virtuous people. The inconceivably mysterious tyádráda," prosper! May the Tirtha- charming Têridala ever shines to the eye with kara Něminátha, endowed with good wisdom, & host of good warriors who were lions to their the beloved lord of the lady kaivalya, enemies resembling elephants and hard to conwhose lotus-like feet were adorned by the quer, with groups of scholars well-versed in excessive brilliancy of the crowns, set with sacred lore, famous and elate with the pride of shining jewels, of the venerable gods, demons all learning, with numerous persons of cultiand udgas bowing before him, ever give long vated minds, occupying high positions, who are life and prosperity to the very fortunate and like the tree of Paradise to their dependents, good people of Têridala ! and with those twelve head-men. That town (L. 3.)-There shines to the eye a land to the is protected by the twelve headmen, promoting south of the Golden Mountain rising in the midst the ever-shining six branches of philosophy of JambQdvipa surrounded by the shores of the and the six observances'' praised in the world. ocean filled with alligators resembling large That town looks very beautiful, being filled elephants able to lift up mountains. There, with money-changers," adorned with much where Bharatakhanda is situated, appears full corn, milk, new ornaments, various cloths, with of charms the great country of Kuntala ; and heaps of jewels and a mass of gold rivalling in that land shines the great district called and laughing at Kubêra, saying "his wealth is Kündi. And, in the heart of this district, the nominal." Térid Al & Twelve shines with incomparable (L. 10.)- In the same manner, Spring, like a and fragrant rice-fields, forests, lakes, tanks, saint, prevailing there incessantly, the Têridaļa gronps of hill-forts and forts built in the forest Twelve, an ornament to the whole world, is and water, and ditches, with the dwellings of the governed by chiefs who own allegiance to the learned and the temples consecrated to Vishnu, emperors of the country of Kuntaļa, whose the sun, Siva, and Jina, and with markets. lineage is as follows :Brahmadêva is not able to praise sufficiently (L. 11.)-Brahman sprang from his abode, the beanty of the Têridala Twelve in the the lotus of the god Vishņu, who supports the world. Shining as the large lotus-eyes of the world and holds a lotus. Mandavya, the son lotus-face of that district resembling a sportive of Harita was next born. From Mandavya lady, the town of Téridaļa appears always peace sprang Pavchaśikha. Many kings of the Chaful in the whole world, filled with numbers of lukya line, descended from Panchaśikha, having forts with ditches exceeding all comparison, already passed away, there arose Taila who 11 The metre is faulty hore. 13 This is the third verse in the Jains work called Iry pathas which is written partly in Sanskrit and The myidvada is the saptabhangi doctrino, which views a substance in seven different aspects. It is also called the anek inta-mata, distinguished from the ekanta or Saugata-mata. Balachandra thus enumerates them :-Diksha, ikah, gana-påshana, Atma-samakira, sallekhana, and uttamartha or miksha. 10 Nachchina-paradarkkaļ appears to be a mistake for china-paradarkkal.


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