Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 14
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 30
________________ 22 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JANUARY, 1885. again overthrew his enemies" and ruled the remained the lord of Téridala. Who is there earth. This family of Taila, resembling Mount that does not extol the worthy Mallidêva as Mêrn, was supported by the glorious RA ya- the lord of victory and of fair fame resembling ko? A ha! al resembling the earth. In this a.lady? Say, is not Bâchaladevi, who is the family was also born Jayasimha vallabha, beloved queen of the brave king Mallideva and who was as brave as a lion. His son, who who rivals the lady earth in her numerous overthrew many wicked kings and assumed the qualities resembling jewels, equal to Site and sovereignty of the whole world, was known as (Anjanddévi*) the daughter of Mahindra ? As Trailok yamalla and Ahavamalla. the god of love was born to Lakshmi and The king Permadir & ya, the beloved son Vásuddra, as Kumira was born to Parvati and of Åhavamalla who had thus become the lord Siva, so there was born to them both, with of the whole earth resembling a lady, defeated affection, Gonka, who fearlessly shines in the the army of the Gurjara king with the prowess world, the joy of the lord of Têrid &!a and of his great arm; delightfully showed on the a handmill to hostile chiefs. battle-field the fire of all-destroying time to the (L. 22.)-How blessed is the excellent king Chôļa king who opposed him; and, without Gonka of Tóridala, who has, for his frightening timid kings, governed the whole mother, the meritorious Bachaladevi, the beauty world with justice, so as to promote the prac- of the sport of Kåma,--the king Malla, shining tice of virtue in it, as though he had been with bravery, for his father,—the ascetic MaghaRayakolábala himself. nandi, chief of Saiddhantikas, for his preceptor, (L. 15).- Many kings having passed away --and the Tirthaskara Néminátha, for his in the family of the heroic king Gonka of favourite god! An infectious disease, a violent TéridAla, who is regarded as the sheathed sword death, raging Durga, furiously attacking eneof the valiant Permidiraya, the lord of the mies, a springing tiger, the lightning which country of Kuntala resembling a fair one, - strikes, a terrible snake which catches, the calathere was born to his parents, like the fruit mity of a consuming wild fire, vanish at the yielded by the merit of former births resemb- mere sight of the virtue of the very valiant king ling the tree of Paradise, -Lôka, the orna- Gonka at Têridaļa. When, bitten by a fierce and ment of kings, the lord of the prosperous hungry snake, he was filled with fear, he indistrict of Téridaļa, who, endowed with a dulged the hope of being cured by spells and heroism displayed by the erection of a pillar enchantments till he was half-dead, and then of triumph, distinguished himself throughout immediately reciting the names of the five the world, by defeating formidable enemies, saints," he was perfectly cured of the snake bite. conquering the territory of insolent foes and His pride in the Jaina faith, thus confirmed, handing it over to his imperial master, thus being conspicuous, Gonka, the king of Téridala, making the (Chalukya) power of one umbrella, gained much distinction. Causing a shining and bestowing caresses on fair fame resembling Jaina temple to be erected, at Téridaļa, be a lady. His son attained to such eminence in raised a triumphant banner, and hung on the the world that he was considered a very Råma tasks of the elephants of the quarters a string in firm determination, a Karna in reputation of letters announcing to the world the great. for fulfilment of promises, an Arjuna in blame- ness of his prowess. O! how excellent is king less heroism, and a Brahmadêva in politics, to Gouka, the virtuous champion of Jainism ! the admiration of wise men who thus ever What good people are there in the world, who bowed to him. The beloved son of that excel- do not continually praise Gonka, this fearless lent king. If the hostile kings and aggressors and renowned king of Têridala, shining in the did not wisely flee but encountered him, world, who has overcome the sin of the Kali this powerful king saw them with pleasure age, resembling mud, whose characteristic and put them to flight on the battlefield and is the gloom spread by the sound of his The Rashtrakūtas, who eclipsed the glory of the Chalukya power for nearly two centuries. 1 Kerajn says that riya-ksthala is an arisambaa, admissible only as a biruda. * Anneyarkkal means 'aggressors, invaders ;' anneya is & corruption of anyiya, according to Kesirlja. 0 Añjana was the daughter of Mahindra. See MAyanaa's Anjanidavicharitra., * These are arhanta, riddha, Acharya, wpadhyaya, wa sarvasddhu.


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