Book Title: Agam 32 Chulika 02 Anuyogdwar Sutra Part 01 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Tarunmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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'श्रुत' इस पद की गुरु से वाचना ली थी, शिष्यों को सामान्य रूप से प्रज्ञापित और विशेष रूप से प्ररूपित, दर्शित, निदर्शित, उपदर्शित किया था, उसका वह शरीर ज्ञायक शरीर द्रव्य श्रुत है।
(शिष्य) इसका दृष्टान्त?
(आचार्य) (जैसे किसी घड़े में से मधु या घी निकाल लिए जाने के बाद कहा जाये कि) यह मधु का घड़ा है, यह घी का घड़ा है। (इसी प्रकार निर्जीव शरीर भूतकालीन श्रुत-पर्याय का आधाररूप होने से ज्ञायक शरीर द्रव्य श्रुत कहलाता है।)
यह ज्ञायक शरीर द्रव्य श्रुत है। (1) JNAYAK SHARIR DRAVYA SHRUT
37. (Question) What is jnayak sharir dravya shruthi (physical shrut as body of the knower) ? ___(Answer) Jnayak sharir dravya shrut (physical shrut ast body of the knower) is explained thus. It is such a body of the knower of the true meaning of the Shrut who is dead, who has been killed, or who has voluntarily embraced death. (This is because it is a natural reaction that) seeing such a body lying on a bed, mattress, cremation ground or Siddhashila someone utters-Oh ! this physical body was the instrument of learning the Shrut (Sutra), as preached by the Jina, from the guru; reciting and explaining it to disciples, confirming it by demonstration, giving its special lessons, and affirming it with the help of logic and multiple perspectives (naya). (details same as aphorism 17)
(Question asked by a disciple) Is there some analogy to confirm this? ___(Answer by the guru) Yes, for example (it is conventionally said that) this was a pot of honey or this was a pot of butter (although at present it contains neither honey nor butter). (In the same way a lifeless body, being अनुयोगद्वार सूत्र
( ७८ )
Illustrated Anuyogadvar Sutra
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