Book Title: Agam 32 Chulika 02 Anuyogdwar Sutra Part 01 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Tarunmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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उत्पत्ति है। जिन जीवों की उत्पत्ति गर्भ से होती है वे गर्भव्युत्क्रान्तिक जीव हैं। जो सरकते, रेंगते हैं, वे परिसर्प कहलाते हैं। सर्पादिक जीव छाती से सरकने वाले होने से उरपरिसर्प हैं और जो जीव भुजाओं से सरकते हैं, वे भुजपरिसर्प हैं। जैसे गोधा, नकुल आदि।
Elaboration—The aforesaid aphorisms have described bi-named in two contexts-general and specific. This conveys that every thing has two facets-general and specific. Samgraha naya (generalized viewpoint) accepts with emphasis on general facet and Vyavahar naya on specific facet. Vyavahar naya methodically classifies the unitary or specific view of Samgraha naya. From the viewpoint of these two nayas these names become general and specific.
Technical Terms—Sammurchhim beings are those that do not require a womb to be born. In other words they are of asexual origin. They are neither born out of a womb nor at a specific spot like divine and infernal beings.
Vyutkranti means origin or birth. The beings that are born out of a womb are called garbh-vyutkrantit (garbh means womb).
Parisarp are beings that crawl; reptiles are in this class. Those that crawl with the help of their breasts are called ur-parisarp (ur means breast); reptiles without limbs, like snakes, are in this class. Those that crawl with the help of arms are called bhuj-parisarp (bhuja means arms); reptiles with limbs, like lizards, are in this class. (३) त्रिनाम
२१७. से किं तं तिनामे ? तिनामे तिविहे पण्णत्ते।तं जहा-(१) दव्वणामे, (२) गुणणामे, (३) पज्जवणामे य। २१७. (प्रश्न) त्रिनाम क्या है?
(उत्तर) त्रिनाम के तीन भेद हैं-(१) द्रव्यनाम, (२) गुणनाम और (३) पर्यायनाम। (3) TRINAMA
217. (Question) What is this Trinama (Tri-named) ? अनुयोगद्वार सूत्र
( ३३२ ) mustrated Anuyogadvar Sutra
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