Book Title: Agam 32 Chulika 02 Anuyogdwar Sutra Part 01 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Tarunmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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Gandhavvanagara-Gandharva-nagar; clouds taking form of a beautiful city; imaginary city in sky; castle in the air. Ukkavaya-Ulkapat; falling of meteor. Disadagha-Di conflagration in certain direction. Nigghaya-Nirghat; thunder storm. Juvaya-Yupak; mixing of the glow of the sun and that of the moon at dusk specially during the first three days of the bright half of a month. Jakkhaditta-Yakshadipt; fiery glow in demonic form seen in the skies. Dhoomia-Dhoomika; mist. Mahiya-Mahika; frost. Rayugghao-Rajodghat; rising of dust; sandstorm. Chandovarag—Chandroparagor Chandragrahan; lunar eclipse. Surovarag-Suryoparag or Suryagrahan; solar eclipse. Chandaparivesa-Chandraparivesh; halo of the moon. Suraparivesa-Surya-parivesh; halo of the sun. Padichandaya-Pratichandra; to see double moon, a bad omen. Padisuraya-Pratisurya; to see double sun, a bad omen. Indadhanu-Indradhanush; rainbow. Udagamachha-Udak-matsya; portions of a rainbow. Kavihasiya-Kapihasit; an ominous sound like laughter of a monkey sometimes appearing to come from nowhere; laugh of a
monkey. Amoha-Amogh; black lines appearing around the solar disc immediately after sunrise and just before sunset. (६) सानिपातिक भाव
२५१. से किं तं सण्णिवाइए ? ___ सण्णिवाइए एतेसिं चेव उदइय-उवसमिय-खइय-खओवसमिय-पारिणामियाणं भावाणं दुयसंजोएणं तियसंजोएणं चउक्कसंजोएणं पंचगसंजोएणं जे निप्पज्जंति सव्वे से सन्निवाइए नामे। तत्थ णं दस दुगसंजोगा, दस तिगसंजोगा, पंच चउक्कसंजोगा, एक्के पंचगसंजोगे।
२५१. (प्रश्न) सान्निपातिक (नाम) क्या है ?
(उत्तर) औदयिक, औपशमिक, क्षायिक, क्षायोपशमिक और पारिणामिक, इन पाँचों भावों के द्विकसंयोग, त्रिकसंयोग, चतुःसंयोग और पंचसंयोग से जो भाव निष्पन्न होते हैं वे सब सान्निपातिकभाव नाम हैं। अनुयोगद्वार सूत्र
( ३७४ )
Illustrated Anuyogadvar Sutra
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