Book Title: Agam 32 Chulika 02 Anuyogdwar Sutra Part 01 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Tarunmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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गंधनाम-जो सूंघा जाये वह गंध है। यह घ्राणेन्द्रिय का विषय है। रसनाम-जो चखा जाता है वह रस है। यह रसनेन्द्रिय का विषय है। स्पर्शनाम-जो स्पर्शनेन्द्रिय द्वारा छूने पर जाना जाये वह स्पर्श है। संस्थाननाम-आकार, आकृति को संस्थान कहते हैं।
Elaboration-The five types of Guna-nama (attribute-name) are evident in matter (pudgala dravya). Although substances like Dharmastikaya (motion entity) also have their own attributes, but as besides matter all other substances are formless their attributes are also intangible. ___The definitions of these Guna-namas (attribute-names) including Varna-nama (appearance-name) are as follows____Varna-nama (appearance-name)-The common meaning of varna is colour but here it means appearance. It is the subject of eyes or the sense of seeing.
Gandh-nama (smell-name)-Gandh means smell. It is the subject of nose or the sense of smell. ____Rasa-nama (taste-name)-Rasa here means taste. It is the subject of taste buds or the sense of taste.
Sparsh-nama (touch-name)-Sparsh means touch. It is the subject of skin or the sense of touch.
Samsthan-nama (structure-name)-Samsthan means shape or form. It defines the structure or constitution of things. वर्णनाम के भेद
२२०. से किं तं वण्णनामे ? - __वणनामे पंचविहे पण्णत्ते। तं जहा-(१) कालवण्णनामे, (२) नीलवण्णनामे, (३) लोहियवण्णनामे, (४) हालिद्दवण्णनामे, (५)सुक्किलवण्णनामे। से तं वण्णनामे।
२२०. (प्रश्न) वर्ण नाम क्या है ? नामाधिकार प्रकरण
( ३३५ )
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