Book Title: Agam 32 Chulika 02 Anuyogdwar Sutra Part 01 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Tarunmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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अपेक्षा एक अनुपयुक्त आत्मा आगम से एक द्रव्य स्कन्ध है, दो अनुपयुक्त आत्मायें दो, तीन अनुपयुक्त आत्मायें तीन आगमतः द्रव्य स्कन्ध हैं, इस प्रकार जितनी भी अनुपयुक्त आत्माएँ हैं, उतने ही आगमतः द्रव्य स्कन्ध जानना चाहिए। (1) AGAMATAH DRAVYA SKANDH
57. (Question) What is Agamatah dravya skandh (physical skandh with scriptural knowledge) ? ___ (Answer) (1) Physical skandh in context of Agam is like this—(For instance) a person (an ascetic) has studied properly (shikshit); retained in mind (chitt); understood and absorbed (it); made assessment in terms of number of verses, words, syllables, etc. (mit); (and so on as in aphorism 14). This is called Agamatah dravya skandh (physical skandh with scriptural knowledge). According to the Naigam naya (co-ordinated viewpoint that includes ordinary and special both) one non-contemplative soul is one Agamatah dravya skandh (physical skandh with scriptural knowledge). Two non-contemplative souls are two physical skandhs with scriptural knowledge. Three non-contemplative souls are three physical skandhs with scriptural knowledge. In the same way as many non-contemplative souls are, there are that many Agamatah dravya skandhs (physical skandhs with scriptural knowledge).
(२) एवमेव ववहारस्स वि।
(२) (नैगम नय की तरह) व्यवहार नय भी आगमतः द्रव्य स्कन्ध के भेद स्वीकार करता है। ___ (2) Same is true for Vyavahar naya (particularized viewpoint). (The style of stating is same for both coordinated and particularized viewpoints). ___ (३) संगहस्स एगो वा अणेगा वा अणुवउत्तो वा अणुवउत्ता वा दव्वखंधे वा
दव्वखंधाणि वा से एगे दव्वखंधे। अनुयोगद्वार सूत्र
( ९६ )
Illustrated Anuyogadvar Sutra
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