Book Title: Agam 32 Chulika 02 Anuyogdwar Sutra Part 01 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Tarunmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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(Answer) An aggregate of one apachit (devoid of life) component and one upachit (endowed with life) component is called aneka dravya skandh (skandh of many entities).
This concludes the description of jnayak sharir-bhavya sharir vyatirikta dravya skandh (physical skandh other than the body of the knower and the body of the potential knower). This also concludes the description of NoAgamatah dravya skandh (physical skandh without
scriptural knowledge) as well as dravya skandh (physical a skandh).
विवेचन-एक देश अपचित भाग अर्थात् जीव प्रदेशों से रहित (निर्जीव) नख, केशादि रूप भाग एवं एक देश उपचित-जीव प्रदेशों से व्याप्त पीठ, उदर आदि भागों के संयोग से एक विशिष्ट आकार वाला जो देह रूप समुदाय बनता है, वह अनेक द्रव्य स्कन्ध है। जैसेहय स्कन्ध, गज स्कन्ध आदि।
Elaboration—A specific aggregate in shape of a body constituted of some components with space-points devoid of life (such as nails, hair, etc.) and some components with space-points endowed with life (such as back stomach, etc.) is aneka dravya skandh (skandh of many entities). For example a horse, an elephant, etc. (४) भाव स्कन्ध
६९. से किं तं भावखंधे ? __ भावखंधे दुविहे पण्णत्ते। तं जहा-(१) आगमतो य, (२) नोआगमतो य।
६९. (प्रश्न) भाव स्कन्ध क्या है ?
(उत्तर) भाव स्कन्ध दो प्रकार का गया है। वह इस तरह-(१) आगमतः भाव स्कन्ध, (२) नो-आगमतः भाव स्कन्ध। (4) BHAAVA SKANDH
69. (Question) What is bhaava skandh (skandh as essence or perfect skandh)?
( १०७ )
The Discussion on Skandh
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