Book Title: Agam 32 Chulika 02 Anuyogdwar Sutra Part 01 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Tarunmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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Elaboration-Kinnar, Kimpurush and Mahorag are vyantar gods or interstitial gods. Description of eight types of vyantar gods is available in Prajnapana Sutra. These gods are frivolous (chanchal), playful and curious in nature. They love to wear beautiful dresses, ornaments and garlands of fragrant flowers. They are also fond of acquiring a variety of forms and appearances. According to Sthananga Sutra Kinnar gods are commanders in the chariot division of Asuraraj Chamarendra, and Kimpurush gods in that of Bali Vairochanendra.
(२) अचित्त द्रव्य स्कन्ध
६३. से किं तं अचित्तदव्वखंधे ?
अचित्तदव्वखंधे अणेगविहे पण्णत्ते । तं जहा- दुपएसिए खंधे तिपएसिए खंधे जाव दसपएसिए खंधे संखेज्जपएसिए खंधे असंखेज्जपएसिए खंधे अनंतपएसिए खंधे ।
सेतं अचित्तदव्वखं ।
६३. ( प्रश्न ) अचित्त द्रव्य स्कन्ध क्या है ?
(उत्तर) अचित्त द्रव्य स्कन्ध अनेक प्रकार का है। जैसे- द्विप्रदेशिक स्कन्ध, त्रिप्रदेशिक स्कन्ध यावत् दस प्रदेशिक स्कन्ध, संख्यात प्रदेशिक स्कन्ध, असंख्यात प्रदेशिक स्कन्ध, अनन्त प्रदेशिक स्कन्ध |
यह अचित्त द्रव्य स्कन्ध का स्वरूप है।
63. (Question ) What is achitta dravya skandh (nonliving physical skandh)?
(Answer) Achitta dravya skandh (non-living physical skandh) are of many types, such as-skandh with two space-points (pradesh), skandh with three space-points, (and so on), skandh with ten space-points, skandh with countable space-points, skandh with uncountable spacepoints and skandh with infinite space-points.
This concludes the description of achitta dravya skandh (non-living physical skandh).
अनुयोगद्वार सूत्र
( १०२ )
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Illustrated Anuyogadvar Sutra