Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 43
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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AFRIL, 1914.)
monk,65 of an arhanta freed from sensuous desire, of the followers of the creator of living beings' fi.e. Brahmans), of the following Vajrapâņi, of the male and female angels, of all the Saints, of all the gods !
Bestow by the thunderbolt-dagger the power of the Gandharvas (8)
Salutation to the White Umbrella-One who emerged from the diadem of the Tathagata. The Bleened One who is the means of performing deeds like those of the Buddha and all the Bodhisattvas.
We beseech you to protect us and all living things .. Here follows an invocation to the goddess as the terror of... 67" To destroy (evil) '].
O a sitâna larka prabha sphuta-vika Sitatapatre! Oi jvala jvala, khada khada, hanahana, daha daha, dhara dhara, vidhara vidhara, ls'inda ts'inda, bhindabhinda, hun hui, phat pha!, evâhâ ! He he phat, Ho-ho pha!, Amoghaya phay, Apratihataya phat. Varadâya68 varapradaya, pratyanngira ya, asuravidra-vanakaraya, Varavidra-vanakaraya, Sarva devibhayah Sarva nâge-bhayah.69
Here follows the series of Spirits good and evil to each of which sarvas is prefixed and bhayah phat is affixed, namely rakşe, bhute, prete, pisatse, kuşmande, pûtane, katpûtane, skande,unmâde, c'ch'aye, apasmâre, ostarake, dakini, revati, yamâya,bakuni, mâtigane, skambu kammań, apalatavake, kantrane, gandharve, asure, kinnara, garude, mahorage, yakşe, durlamghite, dugpraksite, jâre, bhaye, upadrave, upasarve, krityakarmaṇika-khorda, kiraņa vetade, ciochapresaka-sarvadascchardita, durbhugte, tirthike (naked Jains) Srar'mane, patake).
Sarva Vidyadhara phat! Jiyakara madhukara sarva arthasadhaye bhyo vidyâćarye bhyah phat! Chaturbhyobhaginiye [The four fear-causing sisters ?] pha!!
Sarva Kaumâri vajra, Kulandhari, vidyacarye bhayah phat!
Sarva Mahâpartyarigirato bhayah phat, Vajra Sashkhala pratyasigirâyai phat 71! Mahakalâya mâtri gana namaskritaya, Prahma naye, Vinnavaye, Maheivaraye, Randaraye, Mahakalye, Câmundyé,7 Kumaryd, Varahyyé, Indraya, Agnaya, Yasmâya, Varunaya, Marutya, Saumâye, Ibaná, Káladandya, Kalarátré, Yamadandê, Râtre, Kâ pályêe, phat!
Adhimukti émasána vasidye ! Oin sto, bandha bandha, raksa, raksa, mâsi sváha /
We beseech you to protect us all, the sinful as well as the worthy ... May we become the first born for a hundred years, may we see a hundred thousand lives free from trouble by yaksa873 and other demons may we obtain wholesome food in plenty ...
If the White Umbrella-One [be invoked) then the Thunderbolt-Diadem, the great turneraway [of Evil), will save from death, wild beasts, accident...
o White Umbrella-one (the product] of all the Tathagatas and Buddhas destroy (all evil) ! Cause all the kings of the Nagas, Ananta and Sankapala and the great Mahâkâla to shed sea
65 Mgo-reg.
66 Literally the eaters of human offerings.' 67 It appears to read bhyib, which is not intelligible; possibly it is intended for a derivative of the Sanskrit bhaya · fear.'
68 After each of these titles comes phat, which I omit for brevity.
69 This is bhayah and not bhyah and clearly shows the word = 'fear and that the latter form, which ocours in several places, is presumably an error.
70 This implies that there are several forms of Mahápratyathgird. T1 From the following titles I omit phat for brevity.
T2 It is interesting to find that ÇamundA is identified with Sitatapatra (ie, Tard), for this svenging form of Durgê was, like Sitatapatra herself, sent forth as an emanation from the head,
73 This prominence given to yaksas suggests an early date.