Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 43
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 105
________________ JUNE, 1914) FIRST COMMERCIAL MISSION TO PATNA 101 with neighboringe choperes [chhappar, thatched roof) (wherof indeede the whole cittye consistes), it was no more then tyme to looke to our owne, which were not many, yet more then in so littell a warninge could be conveyed of, althoughe I wanted not th' assistance of almost a hundred of my workmen then at worke. But where the contrary element was wantinge, it was littele bote to contend with the furye of thother; and therfor gave waye to its voyolence of fourse, to save that which most requiered ayde in this nesesitye which was the mayne of our maisteres goods then under charge, which by good helpe I conveyed by a back waye into a stone house neare adjoyninge. But before it was entirlyc efected, a choper before my chamber toke fyer, and in an instant was consumed, as also the chamber itselfe and all that therin was, save my accompts and monyes, which with as much dificultye as dainger I atayned; of ought elce not anye signe lefte of what it was ; wherof belonginge to the Companye in a chest was theise pertiokuleres-the remaynder of the bone lace, 16 peeces; the amell (enamel], safron and one peece mohere, with some Verouerds [baràward, proportion] of silke takon, and other trifells standinge in the tankes, which with all that was once myne and the litell houshould stufe wee had, was entierlye lost. The rest, throughe Gods providence, had an unexpected deliverance. From hence it proseeded estward unto the verye scirtes of the towne, where, wantinge more combustable matter to mayntayne it selfe, was constreyned to stinke and goe out, havinge lefte behinde litell save ruines of olde walles, ette. The infinite losses of all men by this disaster are almost incredible to bee reported, besides men, woemen, and children registerde sattaes (sati, burnt alive) upwards of three hundred. And so much lett sufize for relation herof. The 28th presant came hether your exprese ... with yours of the 16th March and therinclosed 4 bills of exchange importinge 5000 rups.... Two of the bills sent on Sunder Mudas [Sundar Mâyâdas] was instantly acksepted, but the third importinge 1500 rups. I had much adoe to put upon them, for althonghe it was written on them, yet (as theye saye) not by theire shawe [8háhi, banker) but by one Calyane [Kalyan] of Agra, in whose afaires it seemes formerlye theye have had some trust, but his gamoshtyo [gomâshta, agent] latlye beinge gon hence for Agra with his goods caused them to make question of restitution, yet after much arbitrament this morninge theye acksepted it, which havinge doune, I instantlye, to avoyde sutter jogrees (satta jhagra, quarrels about bonds] caused them to paye in the monye, abatinge for the tyme, which theye have donc, but have not taken in the bill, for that upon advice from Agra in case that should theire prove dificulte theye purpose to Nat Care [nakar, dishonour] it and use our Cusmona [khâs nama, letter of credit] for recoverye of the debte theire from the said Calyane . It is much to our disadvantage that you writte your bills at so longe a date of payment, wheras written at twise sevene dayes berbust [barbast (custom), sight] and send no worse Cassads [kasid, messenger) then this (whoe came in a leavene [11] dayes, theire would bee much gave in the deheig [dahyek, discount]. The exchange thence to Agra is at presant but 1 rups. per Cent. lose betwene the tasye sickaw [laza-sikkâ, newly coined] and the hondye [hundi] rupee, 30 and but that you have promised sepdlye [? speedily] more suplye by exchange from you, on occasion. wee would have taken it up here, which would have bine more profitable..... 51 This sentence means that the portion of the silk that had been wound off, and the cocoons still in the tanks were all destroyed. * Rupees remitted by bill of exchange. 51 Factory Records, Patna, 3, 24-25.


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