Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 43
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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[0croBER, 1914
employed in writing his Memoirs was fully maintained by his descendants down to our own time. The elegance, the grace and the directness of the sentences of Babar may clearly be traced to the writings of Jahâogir, Shahjahân, 'Alamgir, as well as the unfortunate Babâdur-Shah Zafar, the last of the line, in his Urda poetry.
Not being competent to pass an opinion on Turki poems, which are, however, longer and occupy a greater portion of the Diran, I give below & few Persian poems of the unfortunate Prince which, by the way, are nearly in jaráb, or imitation, of well known pieces. It appears that Kamran Mirza was quite at home with Turki and Persian, using both indifferently as his mother speech.
The Bankipur Codex consists of 34 folios, comprising 58 ghazals, 6 qat'as, 30 ruba'iyat, 18 mathnavis, of which 21, 3, 4, 4 respectively are in Persian. Of some 44 Distiches or fards, 23 are in Persian.
I have before me, as I write, a copy of the Diroan made lately for the Bengal Asiatic Society and transcribed from the original copy now in the Bankipur Public Library.
The following facts, extracted from Princess Gulbadan Begam's Aumdyin-ndma as translated by Mrs. Beveridge, will conclude this introduction.
As soon as Kamrân had fled from Salim Shah and gone as far as Bhira and Khushâb. Adam Ghakkar, by plot and stratagem, captured him and brought him to Humêyîn.
"All Assembled Khâns and Sultâns, and high and low, and plebeian and noble, and soldiers and the rest, who all bore the mark of Mirza Kâmr&n's hand, with one voice represented to His Majesty; 'Brotherly custom has nothing to do with ruling and reigning. If you wish to act as a brother, abandon the throne. If you wish to be king, put aside brotherly sentiment ...... It is well to lower the head of the breacher of a kingdom' His Majesty answered ; . Though my head inclines to your words, my heart does not. All cried out : what has been set before your Majesty is the really advisable course " . . . . . . . . . . Even His Majesty was compelled to agree, When he drew near to Rohtas, the Emperor gave an order to blind Mirza Kamran in both eyes,"
غزلیات منقول از دیوان کامران مرزا ,
خان در پیرمغان و سرما بعد ازین
: چون بمقصود نشد هیچکس رهبرما
بر کزین پس زخرابات گشاید در ما
: کارما چون زدر بسته زاهد نگشود
وای اگر هادئي لطفت نشود رهبر ما
: بارکی سست و شب تیره ر رهزن زکمین
دم بدم درد و غمی بردل غم پرور ما خو گرفتیم بدرد و غم عشقت بفرست
اگر از دلبر ما
میرسد مزد را که از شوق دلم می اید و مطربم
نوسد ذرا خاکستر بکریش
: کامران سوختم از انش هجران کسی
.. :
بادا فرخ و میمون طالعت كهل چشم من محزون بادا جاے او دیدا ممنون بادا مه در دارا و فریدن بادا
بادا دایرة بیرون ار ازین
بادا همایون دهر خسرو
: : :
حسن تر دمبدم افزون بادا
کہ زرا هث خیزد در غباری
خیزد | کو از ره ليلى خاک بنده حلقه بگوش تو چو من مرکه کرد نر جو پرار نگشت
جهانراست بقا
تاکه کامران