Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 43
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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38 493 51 942 70; but usually normal, kushthâni, II 53 29 III 61 184, etc. (see Index). Again, nom. plur., chûrnnal, II 57 29; only once; elsewhere normal, nom. sing., ckúrnnam, II 22 27, nom. plur., chûrnnani, II 471 50, etc. (see Index).-Aga!n, acc. plur., nâgaran, III 66 184; only once ; elsewhere normal, nom. sing., nagaram, II 63 29, etc. (see Index). Again nom. sing., någarakah, II 104 31; but normal, någarakam, II 1119 76.-Again, nom. plur., palâh. II 193 36 588 55, acc. plur., palan, II 901 68; but usually normal, nom. sing., palam, II 75 30, nom. plur., palani, II 60 29 III 57 184, etc. (see Index).-Again, 'nom, plur. múlá), III 63 184; only once; elsewhere normal, nom. sing, malam, I 89 7 II 266 40, nom plur., múlâni, I 72 6 II 628 57 III 37 183, etc. (see Index).-Again, nom. plur., sukráh (for ku kråni), II 350 44; no examples for the normal neuter.-In the second portion of the Bower Manuscript there occur: nom. sing., padah, V 1 204; only once; elsewhere normal, nom. sing., padam, V 5 204 55 207, nom, dual., padé, V 58 207, and acc. plur., mitrain (for mitran), IV 52 195 V 10 204; elsewhere, apparently normal, nom. sing., mitram, V 33 206.-For other examples where the change of gender is due to change in the stem (e.g., acc. plur., aráân for aráâinsi), see ante, Section V, p. lxxii,
(2) Exchange of masculine and feminine: (a) feminine for normal, masculine, ace, sing. bhagandalam, II 53 29; only once; elsewhere, apparently masculine, loc. sing., bhagandarê II 221 37 III 64 184, etc. (see Index); but once also neuter, see ante, la, p. lxxiii.
(6) Masculine for normal feminine, acc. plur., deratan (for dêvatah), II 721 58. In the second portion of the Bower Manuscript, dêvata is always masculine, acc. sing., dêvatam, IV 5 192; nom. plur., dêvatah, IV 21 194 48 195;113 instr. plur., dêvatail, IV 39 194, abla plur., dêvatêbhyah. IV 22 194.-Again, nota, dual, mêdau, II 297 41 ; only once; elsewhere normal, acc, sing, mêdâm, II 128 33, acc, dual, mêdé, II 112 32, etc. (see Index).-Again, loc, sing, vicharchike, II 1034 72; only once; elsewhere normal, nom. sing., vicharchika, III 49 183; acc, sing, vicharchikâm, II 342 43 III 8 181.-Again, loc, sing., Sprihê, IV 14 193; but normal, nom. sing., spriha, IV 30 194.
VII.--SYNTAX. (3) Exchange of feminine and neuter? nom. sing., maricha, II 851 65; only once; elsewhere normal, nom. sing., maricham, II 11 26 III 66 184, nom, plur., marichani, II 863 66 III 54 184.
(1) Exchange or mixture of " cases": (a) nominative for accusative in the object of a sentence; as in II 237 38 vriddhayah (for vriddhih) jayêt; II 253 39 vindavaḥ (for vindûn) pibate; II 293 41 priyarigavah (for priyangũh or priyangûn) grâhayêt. As a rule, such nominatives are found joined with accusatives, as in II 248 39 yâvantan (for yâvatal) pibatê vindûn; and II 782 61 tilân bhakshayita sa imisrah (for salimijran). Or they are mixed with accusatives, as in II 102 31 shadi (nom.) ...gudani (acc.) bharjitvá; II 121 32 vidaingâ (nom.) .... dantin (acc.) pachết; II 128 33 virá (nom.). ...mêdai=cha (acc.) savi harêt; II 134-5 33 pippalyas=trayamå nåži=cha (ace.) musta (nom.) kalkikritva; II 201-2 36 haritakin (acc.) racháin (acc.). ... yavakshâró (nom.) vidanga (nom.) vipáchayêt; II 236 38 pippali (nom.)
chavyat-cha (acc.) avapêt; II 252 39 pala ch-aikai (ace.) kudavo (nom.) pachet; II 320 42 rásná (nom.) balaivagandhàsacc.) dadyat ; II 326 42 rásnâit (acc.) påthå (nom.) cha gudai-cha (acc.) pishţvâ; II 802 63 siddha is (acc.) pivêt pittahara yavågů (nom.); II 816-7 64 amalakarasa-prasthal (nom.) .... ghrita-prasthan-cha (acc.) sâdhayet. The following are some examples from the second portion of the Bower Manuscript : IV 9 193 ayah sapunyo habhasê; IV 11 193 prâpsasê nayam uttamam; IV 28 194 prâpsasê só'rthal; IV 44 195
113 Here the reading suikhastava dévata; should be suratkhastava dévatáh; thus making the gender of devata masculine throughout.