Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 43
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 333
________________ CHAPTER VII] (4) Peculiar Constructions: (a) Cases absolute; the nominative; e.g, in II 148-9 34, viḍanga chitrako dantighṛita-prasthan pachêd-êbhiḥ, lit. "baberang, plumbago-root, danti...with these boil a prastha of ghee;" or II 603 56, surâhvadaru triphalâ sa-mustâ kashayam-utkváthya pivêt; i.e., lit, "deodar, three myrobalans with musta; having decocted them, drink (it)." 115-Similarly we have the accusative absolute, e.g., in II 314-5 42. râsnâ balân...prativishân garbhên-ânêna pâchayêt, ie, lit. "râsnâ, bala...prativishâ: with a paste of these let (it) be boiled."--and again, a combination of both, the nominative and accusative absolute occurs, e.g., in II 169-72 35, saramûl-êkshu-mûlâni kâdêkshûn ikshuvâlikâm (three acc)èshá à tripalikâ bhagâh (nom)...jaladrone vipaktavyam-athakam avasêshayêt, e.g., "roots of sara and of sugarcane, (pieces of) kandekshu, (and) ikshuvâlikâ; of these (drugs) quantities of three pala each; let (the whole) be boiled in a drôņa of water till it is reduced to one âḍhaka." BOWER MANUSCRIPT lxxvii (b) Interpolation of pleonastic particles within a compound word; thus, atha in II 112. 32, érâvany-ath-âtmaguptâ à (for śrâvany-âtmagupta); and II 720 58, punarvvasv=atha= pushyena (for punarvvasu-pushyêna). Similarly eva, in II 323 42, êtadvidh-aiv-ôktam, (for êtadvidh-ôktam, i.e., êtadvidham êva uktam); and II 310 42, śrim-êv-âbhivivarddhanam (for Brim-abhivivarddhanam, see below d). So also. tathaiva in II 807 63, daahi-ghrita-taila= fathaiva-tandulânâm (for dadhi-ghrita-taila-tandulânâm). And again, cha and chaiva, in II 1019, 72, sarkkarâ -ch-âmari-chaiva-mûtragrahê (for sarkkar-aimarî-mûtragrahê; or syât in II 802 63, sarkkara -syât-siddhâm (for sarkkarâ-siddhám). (c) Interpolation of pleonastic particles within a sentence; thus, chét in II 40 28 490 51 794 62 807 63; and syât (used adverbially). in II 78, 80 30 182-3 35 207 37 229, 241 38 1075 74. (d) Abnormal compounds; thus, puranam kshaudra-sanyutam (for purâṇa-kshaudrasa iyutan), II 464 49, and bilva-kalkan vipakvam (for bilva-kalka-vipakvam), II 1075 74; though in these two cases the anuswara may be a clerical error; also, sa-sâlmalêḥ pushpan (for sa-fâlmali-push pan); but see similar cases in W. Skr. Gr., § 1316, p. 456, also § 1250, p. 427, and 12670, 12696, p. 434.-Again, vânta-viriktavân (for vântaván viriktarân), II 719 58; rim-êv-abhivivarddhanam (śrim abhivivarddhanam with interpolated éva, see above under b), an accusative compound like the similar Sanskrit compounds vanai-karaya, etc. (see W. Skr, Gr., § 12716, p. 435); kshir-ârka-kuḍavam (for arka-kshira-kulavam), III 2 181, where the transposition appears to be due to the necessities of the metre (ârya) 116-Again, II 902 68, bhramara-sa-varṛâni (for bhramara-varṛâni, or sa-bhramara-varṇâni); and II 1115 76, sa-sâriv-ôsira-sa-naga pushpam (for sa-sâriv-ôsiram sa-nâgapushpa, or sa-jariv-ósiranagapushpam, neither of which however would have suited the metre upajâti). In other cases sa takes the, place of the copula cha, as in II 203 37, kâsan sa-hikkan sa-kkrimîn-api; so also in II 182 35 354 44, et passim. (e) Abnormal constructions; thus in II 349-50 44, where there is a series of nominaLives,ardita vigaktāḥavabhagnáð···sandhayaḥ···skhalanáḥ···kohatáḥ---óa ṇylhäḥ.....grihitäḥ without any verb, but where the verb upayunjyuh, or prayunjyuḥ, is to be understood as Suggested by the preceding, upayôjyam. Again, in II 1065 74, where the transitive verb vina sayêt is to be supplied to the accusatives absolute daham trishnan-cha chharddiñ-cha, from the following sarva-rôga-vinâ sanam. Other examples, the constrection of which is explained 115 In Charaka Samhita VI, 6, verse 24, whence this formula is quoted (see ante Chapter VI, No. 21, P. Lv), the nominatives are turned into accusatives, in the existing text. 116 For curiou; cases of transposition in Vedic compounds, see W. Skr. Gr., §1.09, p. 452.


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