Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 43
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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Khåravela, his edict, etc. 150, 107 n., 170 n., Krishņa, Déva RÂya, and Nagama Naik 30;
173, 175 35; from 1509–1530, called the 2nd or Kharoshthi, dialect and the Puraias ..' .. 196
Andhra Bhðja 43 and n.,-47, death of 48; Khas, E. Himalayan Aryan-speaking caste 115; 187 and n-189 and n.; 191 ; and
143 and n. Visvanatha Ndik 192, 258 and n.; 229, 232; Khasa, wife of Kalyapa, ancestress of the
257 and n. : 259 Yakshas and RAkahasa .. .. 144, 146 Krishnapuram plates, and Nagama Naik 191 Khabalaya, Valley of Khaibal, or Kasher had
and n. Khasa Settlements ... .. . . .. 148 Krishna Sastri, Mr., on Achyuta Raya.. .. 188 Khadas, tribe, mentioned in Sanskrit Krishnátréya, medical author.. . Sup. 61
literature, or Khasira, etc. 143 and n., Casiri of Kródhavaba, wife of Kásyapa, and ancestress Pliny 144, 145–151, 159 ; earliest historical of the PisitAsls .. .. .. .. .. 144
immigrants 164, and the Pikachas ..165 and n. Kshậrapani, people of Atrêya ... Sup. 54, 56 Khaskura, Naipall or E. Pahari lang... .. 142 kahatakshina, subject treated in the Navanitaka khdonama, cumana, letter of introdaotion
Sup. 64 76, 101, f. Kshatriyas, and the Khaias 150; and Rajputs khassa, Casgaes, trade in.. .. .. 71, 269 etc. 159, 161 and n.; and the Gujaras. . 164, f. khichadi, food offering ..
.. F. K 3 kshetras, punya sthanas, sacred places.. F. K. 22 Khilji, dyn, ..
.. .. .. 1 Kuchar and the Bower MS. .. .. .. 179 Khotanese lang. .. .. .. .. Sup. 64 | Kuchean, unknown lang. of Kuchar, used in Khurram, Shahjahan .. .. .. 241, f. & pochi .. .. .. .. .. Sup. 64 Khusru Parviz .. .. .. .. 152 Kudumiamalai, in Pudukottah State, (and Kielhorn, Prof., and the Pandyas, 34 and n.; other places) has Båna inscrips. .. .. 32
the Vikrama era eto, .. .. 121 ; 206, 207 Kuei-shuang, King of, Shaonano Shao Koshana, Kissah-i-Sanjan, and Parsi datos .. .. 152 Yue chi title . . . . . . . . . . 66 Klatt, and Jaina history .. .. 177 n. Kuhn, Dr, and the name Lummini .. i 18 Kohistân, and the Zoroastrians.. .. .. 152 kuladevatas, family deities . F. K, 21, 23 KolAba, dist., ceremonies in F. K. 6; and kuladharmas, days of worship ..... F. K. 23
sages etc. 10; 12; sacred pond eto. 15- Kulasekhara, Kales Dewar, or Maravarman,
17; and rain .. .. .. .. 18; 23 Pandyan k., murdered 2 and n. ; 33 n.; Kolamba, c., Quilon .. .. .. .. 3 n.
dates . . . . ... .. .. 34-36 n. Kolhapur, State, and moon worship F. K. 5; Kulattûr, palayam, date of .. 114 and n., 115
sacred waters in 13, ceremonies .. .. 22 Kula Vardhana, Pandye, conquered .. 28, f. Kollam era, in Kerala co. .. .. .. 238
.. .. .. 145 and n. Kollar, Telugu, Golla, Tottiyan subdivision.. 135 Kulātas, people of Kulu.. .. 147 and n. kolu, Tamil, darbár, ..
Kumara, Subrahmapya, and Kumarila Bhata Kondavidu, fort, .. .. .. ..
264 n. Kongu, co., (Salem and Coimbatore), the Kumara, ancestor of Ghetti of Mudaliar .. 134
Palayams of 133, f.; and the Saurashtras kumara-badha, children's diseases ... Sup. 56 139; and Canarese tribe 140 n.; and SadA.
Kumara Gupta, omp. and the Saurashtras .. 138 siva 230 n: peoplo, conquered .. 238 n. Kumarajtva, translator .. .. .. Sup. 88 Koniya, Kaniya .. ..
.. 127, 133 | Kumara Krishnappa, son of Vishvanatha Kosala, k., and Aj4tabatru 174
257 n. Kottar, battle field ..
Kumarila Bhatta, an incarnation of Kumara Kottiyam, Nagama NAik..
(Subrahmanya) .. .. .. .. kotdl, cottewalle, Nawab's agent ..
kumbhakari, potter-woman, etc. .. Sup. 86 Köyilolugu, Tamil work, on conquest of Tri.
kumbhakari-mata ngayukta, applied to dice chinopoly 3 n., 4 n., 5 n., 7 n., 8 n.; on Virupanna' etc., 9 n; 10 n, and the Saluvas
Sup. 86 etc. 13 n., 14 n., 16 n.; and Pandya history Kúna, Pandya k... .. .. .. 257, f. 29. n.; and the Muhammadans in 8. India
Kupále, k., and Ujjayin .. .. .. 176 and n. 153 and n., 154 n., 168 n.; and Trichinopoly
Kunatas, and Kanets .. .. .. 148 n.
218 n. Krishọa, g., and the Tottiyans 138; and the Kunbis, and sun-worship sto... F. K. 3, 7, 8
Greeka 146: imago, given to Ananda Tirtha.. 237 kundas, ponda .. .. ..F. K. 13-18, 18
.. 114