Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 43
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 326
________________ lxx THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY [CHAPTER VII II. EUPHONIC COMBINATION (Sandhi). (1) Hiatus occurs exceptionally, at a caesura or at the end of a pâda; thus, gadgada ûrû, II 349 44 (at the caesura in an âryâ verse); yavâgû udaśvi, II 800 62 (at the end of the first pâda of an Indravajra); vâ âshâdhe, II 974 71 and nama Atrêya, III 36 183 (at the end of the third pâda of a slôka); once otherwise, in nihanti aréâmsi, III 7 181 (between the sixth and seventh feet of an ârya). This conforms to Vedic usage; see M Ved. Gr. § 67, 71 pp. 61, 65. (2) Double sandhi is found occasionally: (a) between words, in guḍdikâtha (for guḍika atha from guḍiká, atha), II 78 30; tatôddharêt (for tata uddharêt from tataḥ uddharêt), II 369 44; mahâtmanêti (for mahâtmana iti from mahâtmanê iti), II 132 33; (b) within compounds, in urôdghâtêshu (for ura-udghâtêshu from uras-udghâtêshu), II 1099 75. An intervening final consonant may even be dropped; thus, m in aśvibhyanumatô (for aśvibhya anumato, from aśvibhyâm anumató), II 425 47; and r in aśvinônumatan (for aśvinô anumatam from aśvinór anumatam, normal for asvinôh anumatam), II 253 39. Both are met with in Vedic usage, see M, Ved. Gr. § 3 a, b, p. 64. (3) Doubling of consonants: k, in the ligature kr, is doubled when it begins a word either in a sentence or in a compound, and is preceded by any vowel, either short or long. Thus we have (a) in a sentence, cha kkrimi, II 1107 76, hanti kkrimin, II 791 62; tu kkramât. II 767 60; mâlâ kkriyâḥ, I 51 5; jvarê kkriyâ, II 617 56; or (b) in a compound, âdi-kkriya, I 118 9; gala-kkridi, I 23 3; pailya-kkrimi, II 857 65; yathâ-kkramam, II 735 59; rasa-kkriya, II 885 67; sata-kkratoḥ, II 35 28; sa-kkrimin, II 203 37. There are, however, a few exceptions, graha-krimi, I 41 4; yathâ-kramans, II 963 71; rasa. kriya II 852 65. After a consonant the doubling does not take place, chêt kramah, II 430 51; nor after the anusvâra, agnim krimin, II 52 29; kâmalâm krimim, II 142 33; mûlan krôñchâdana, II 292 41; nor after the visarga, tataḥ kramêņa, II 726 58, except once in vividhaḥ kkriyah, II 1024 72. In the middle of a word k is doubled invariably, as in chakkra, takkra, sakkra, se: the Index. See M, Ved., § 30 p. 21. W. Skr. Gr. § 229, p. 72. (4) Elision of à after ê or ó. Thus in jalaḍhake'tmaguptâyâḥ (for jalâḍhaka atmaguptâyah), II 825 64; and kudavo 'malakâ-rasât (for kuḍava âmalakârasât), II 252 39; in both cases to suit the netre. III. NOMINAL INFLECTION, (1) Nominative singular feminine in it for i, only once in tanmayiḥ (for tanmayi), I 19 2; in all other cases normally i as in nâri, haritaki, etc. (see Index); also in Vedic, see W. Skr. Gr., § 356, p. 115. On the other hand, in û for ûḥ, nearly always, in yavâgû, as in yarâgviyam (for yavagû iyam), II 787 62; altogether eleven times (see Index), but twice yavigûüh, as in yavâgûr-yamaka, II 800 62, and yavâgûr-llaghu, II 1030 72; also normal in varshâbhūḥ, II 345 43. (2) Accusative singular masculine, in im for inam, only twice, to suit the metre (ślôh a) in aróchakim (for arôchakinam), II 26 27; and pratyarthim (for pratyarthinam), IV 32 194. Otherwise normal, e. g., sûlinam, II 26 27.-Again, singular feminine in yam for im, in vartyam (for vartim), II 887 67; the reading vartyambhasâ is blundered for vartyam ambhasâ— Again, plural feminine, in yas for is, as in amsumatyaḥ (for améumatih), II 301 41; gurvyaḥ (for gurvih), II 232 38; parnyaḥ (for parnih), II 188 36; pippalyaḥ (for pippalih), II 134 33 188 36 314 42 386 45 505 51 745 59 930 69 1055 73 haritakyah (for haritakiḥ), II 245 39 484 50; altogether thirteen times, but the normal ending is occurs twice, gaja pippaliḥ,


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