Kuniya, Koniya, k. Ajàtasatru, and 127 and n., 133; or Kupika.. Kuniyur plates, of Venkata II... Kushans, and Sakas
Kusinara, visited by Buddha
Lakshmidhara, Prakrit grammarian Lassen, M. and Rock-Edict 13.. lasuna, garlic
Laluna-kalpa, treatise on garlic.. Laws of Manu, and the Khasas.. lead, trade in
Left and Right Hand Castes lêha, linctus
.173, f., 178
229 n. 125 128
lace, bobbin lace, trade in 79 and n., 97,
lack, dye 78, gumlacke,.. laghu-rudra, rain-rite
100, f., 269 105, 110 F. K. 18
Lakhawar, Lackhoure, market town near Patna 70, 73-75, 78-82, 98-100, 104-107, 109, f. Magadha, kingdom, and the Jains 121, f.; Lakkana Danda Nayaka, first Naik Viceroy
and Mahavira, etc., 126; list of kings 168 n., 170; and the Mauryas 172, 175 n.; and
10 and n.-13; and the Pandya succession in Madura Lakshmi, goddess, and the Saurashtras 141;
.. 31
F. K. 5, 6 147 n. 132 Sup. 63 Sup. 81
65, 66, 80 Mahab Alipur, Mohubalpoor, Mobalepoore 109 n. 72, 268 Mahabalipuram, and Mavalivaram.. 31, 32 and n. 140 Mahabharata, the, mentions the Khasas and Sup. 82 other tribes 144-146, 151, 159, 161 n. Lethbridge, E., author of Topography of The Mahábhashya, the, and Sakatayana Mogul Empire 239, 244 Mahadeva, k. of Devagiri, and févara.. Leumann, M., and Jain dates 129 n., 178 n. Mahamandalêévara Tirumalaiya Maharaja, Lhasa Expedition of 1904, and Tibetan Mss. Salaka chief, under Achyuta Râya.. 189, f. Mahamandalês vara Vittaladêva Maha-Raya, Vitthala q. v. Mahamayari Vidyarajni, Sutra or Dharani, Sup. 87, f.
Mahanaman, Sakya prince, and Buddha Mahanandin, k., and Mahapadma Nandaraja.. 167 Maharashtra, co. conquered
2 68
Maharashtri dial.
maharshis, medical authorities
Sup. 54, 57
mahá-rudra, rain-rite
.. F. K. 18 Mahisattva Mahakurana, epithet, applied to Avalokita.. 92, f. Mahashthâna, identified with Anandepura 176 Mahavanea, the, and dates 168, 170, f.; stories in 174 and n.; treatises on.. Mahavira, The Date of..118-123; 126-133; 173-178
.. 163 .. 202
69, 78
.. 127
.. 132
Makkhali Gosala, heritical teacher and k. Ajàtasatru 126, f.; Mamkhaliputta..
37 and D. Lhassa, era, and the date of Buddha's death.. 197 lightning F. K. 12
lignum, lignome Alloes, trade in 78, (or
linctus, héha
linen, lynen, trade in
..81, 83, 105 Sup. 82 105 Sup. 82 Sup. 64; 81
Literature, Indian Medical
Littlejohn, Ed., E. I. Co.'s servant
looking-glass, trade in
271 100 F. K. 9 18 and n. lumbi, a creeper, etc., and Lumbini Lumbini, birthplace of Buddha, and Lummini
luck, and the planets
Madhvacharya, and the Dvaita philosophy 233, 234 and n.; 235 n.; 262, 264-266 Madhva Acharyas, a sketch of the history of 233-237, 262-266 madhvasava, medicated mead .. Sup. 82 Madhyageha, (Napdvantillaya) father of Vasu
Madras, Pres., and the Vijayanagaras.. Madura, Naik Kingdom, History of 1-17; 27-36; 43-48; 111-118; 133-142; 153 -158; 187-192: 217-218; 229-232;
Lumbini Pillar inscrip... Lyall, Sir C. J., and the Rummindei inscrip.
18, 20 .. 132 17, 20 n.
Lyon, the ship
Magadhai Nadu, or Nadu Nâdu dist. Magadh dialect Magas of Cyrene, k., Maka, 132, death of Magic, among the Tottiyan Polygars 136; or witch craft F. K. 8; and incantation Sup.
32 and 1. 68 .. 133
Mahendrapala, k... Mahindo, in Ceylon
Mainas, mynnas, Indian talking birds.. Majjhima Nikaya, the, and Buddha..
235 233
Madan, Cupid, and the moon .. F. K. 5 Maka, k., Magas of Cyrene Madhava, author of the Siddha-yoga Sup. 59,
61, 63
210, f. 266