Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 43
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 114
________________ 110 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY (JUNE, 1914. haveinge effected, to goe for Lackhoare to imbale four or five fardells yett unpacked and clere some small matters there, and thence to proceed in company of the goods with what speed possible for Agra.... In our letter of the 3d passed month you were advized the some of our Investments, since when we have done little butt gett in the cloth from whittsters, and bought 50 mds. Gumlacke of the 3 sorts requyred, a few Malda wares for musters of commodities fitting Persia, some Ambertres of all sorts and prizes for your perusiall, ette, stuff of small vallew for musters. Wee had provyded the whole 200 mds. of lacke requyred, butt feare we should nott gett caryage for itt, which by reason of the princes remoove, and the Abowndance of raynes fallen this yeare is nott easily procureu, yett have obtayned promise of soe many Carts as we shall need (which will be about 18 or 20) and hope of the Carters dew performance. The freight costs deare, to say 25 rups. per md., which could nott be avoyded to have the goods come in season to Agra, and now the beginninge of November will be the soonest, make what hast may bee67.... XXVI John Parker to the Agra Factory. Patna, 17 September 1621. Loving Freinds, Mr. Biddulphe etts. By our joynt letter dated the 13th ditto you will perceave that Mr. Hughes was then upon departure towards you, who proceeded accordingly by the way of Lackhosre, and expect dayly to heare of his dispeed thence, whome I purpose with the goods to follow accordinge to his order, with what Convenyent spoed I may, or rather the wether permitt, for nor yett is ended the raynes butt dayly powreth downe in such quantity that I cannott gett an hower of faire wether whereby to send forth the goods, which nowe is all ready for the Carte, and attendeth nothinge but the wether, which alteringe, I will take the first oppertunity. Your letter received by this bearer requyers little answere butt promise to make what hast may bee with the goods, whereof you may be ascertayned. For any thing elce needful your knowledge (except your Cossid [kasid] make more speed homewards then outwards, who was 25 dayes on the way) Mr. Hughes I doubt not will be with you sooner to relate.68.. . XXVII John Parker to the Agra Factory. [Lackhoure], October 1621. Loving Freinds, Mr. Biddulph etts., In my last of the 17th and postscript of the 21th passed month I advized you in what forwardnesse I then was and the hopes I had speedily to proceed towards you with the fruits of our imployment, two dayes after date whereof I laded the Puttana goods from Mendroo Serayce toward Mobulepoore, and my self came hi her to dispatch the little Mr. Hughes left here to be effected, which beeinge longe since finished, I have bin idler then willingly I would have bin; for partly by reason of the longe winter70 (which yett is not ended) and the foulnesse of the wayes, I have nott yett found oppertunity to send away the goods from hence. And now at last cominge to dispeed them, I fynd the packs soe heavy that they are nott port Factory Records, Patna, 1., 36-37. 68 Factory Records, Patna, I., 37, €) I cannot identify this sardi. In fact, however, "summer," This is a very curious expression for the rains" as being the cool 1st season.


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