Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 43
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 215
________________ OCTOBER, 1914) JAINA SAKATAYANA, CONTEMPORARY WITH AMOGHAVARSHA I 211 Amoghavritti explains - ___ आग्निशर्मायणो वार्षगण्यः । भाग्निशनिरन्यः । This explanation about Varshaga ya being Agaišarmayaņa is copied by Hemachandra in his Brihadvritti (VI, 1,57). Now Varshaganya was the name of fivarakrishya, the author of the Saikhya-karikās, who is assigned by Dr. Takakusu to A, D. 450. Another Jainendra sutra (III, 2, 5) गुरूच्याभायुक्तो(के) (ने) is borrowed by Sakatayana and Hemachandra. T5 Traget Sakatayana II, 4, 224. टइति वर्तते गुरुहस्पतिरुदितो यस्मिन् मे नक्षत्रे तारकाविशेषे तहाचिनः ट रति हसीबांताय वधा विहित प्रत्ययो भवति । योसौ युक्तोर्थः स चेद दो वर्ष संवस्तरः स्यात् । पुष्येण बृहस्पत्युक्येन युक्तं वर्षे पौष । पौषः संवत्सरः। फाल्गुनं वर्ष । फाल्गुनः संवत्सरः । गुरूदयादिति किं । शनैश्वरोदयेन पुष्येण शुक्र वर्षे । भन न भवति । भादिति किं । वृहस्पत्युश्येन पूर्वरात्रेण युक्तं वर्ष । भब्द इति किं । मासे दिवसे या न भवति Amogha. II, 4, 224. Hemachandra reads the siltra as उदितगुरोर्भायुकेऽब्द Brihadvritti VI, 2, 5. and copies the Amoghavritti in explaining it. It is needless to state that Yakshavarman has this sútra in his Chintamani. The authors who have this sútra are : Pajya pada in his Jainendra. Sakatayana. Yakshavarman. Hemachandra. This sitra is most important as it alludes to the twelve year Cycle of Jupiter according to the heliacal rising system. This system was in vogue in the time of the Early Kadamba kings and their contemporaries, the Early Gupta kings. Expressions like पौषसंवत्सर occur in the epigraphic records of that period. The late Mr. S. B. Dikshit thas contributed a very interesting paper on this subject to Dr. Floet's Gupta volume and has also independently dealt with it in his monumental Marathi work on the history of Indian Astronomy. The four Jaina authors, whom I have mentioned as alluding to this avatem are in addition to the eleven authorities quoted by Dikshit. The last two sútras which I have discussed above enable us to assign the Jainendra-vyakara na to the latter part of the fifth century A. D. But no inference as to the age of the other three authors can be drawn as they have copied these stras from Půjyapada. In the Amoghavritti on sutra III,4,50 we read: सपनाकरोतीत्यपि मंगलाभिप्रायेण वृक्षस्य निष्पत्राकरणमेवाख्यायते | यथा दीपो नंदतीति विध्वंसः। though this remark is copied by Hemachandra in his Brihaduritti (VII, 2, 138) I am tempted to think that Sakatayana was influenced in making this remark by his knowledge of the Kannada root nandu, to go out, to be extinguished (as a light). Under the siltra (II, 1,79) मयूरव्यंसकादयः Sakarayana says : हि कर्मणा बहुलमाभीक्ष्ण्ये कर्तारं चाभिधाति । जहिजोडमियभीक्ष्णमाह जहिजोडः । Under the corresponding Panini's shtra (II, 1, 72) the authors of the Kasika say : जहि कर्मणा बहुलमाभीक्ष्ण्ये कर्तारं चाभिधाति । जहिजोडः। The rule beginning with art instead of fx is also found in the Gayapitha of Panini and the Mahabhashya, Nirnaya ed. Vol. II, p. 46. But Vardhamāna says. कारं च ब्रूते हि कर्मना बलमाभीक्ष्ण्वे ।। १२१ ।। वन्तं क्रियापदं कर्मणा : यन्तस्यैवाप्येन बहुलं समस्यते भाभीक्ष्ण्ये गम्यमाने । स च समासः कर्तारमाचटे । जाहिजोडं देवदत्त यो वक्ताभीक्ष्णं सातत्वेन प्रवीति स वक्ता जहिजोडः । Ganaratna. Benares ed. p. 90.


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