Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 43
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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[JUNE, 1914.
nowe allmost fynnished, haveinge caused 400 corges thereof to be starched, as the ordynary custome of theire cureinge is, and the remayn der beinge 70 corges, we have whited unstarched, and yett shall endeavour the makinge them up 10,000 pces., which will be the uttmost our remainder of Cash will permitt in this investment. In other sortes of Callicoes we have nor can doe little, Sahan cloth beinge scarce and nott such quantityes thereof made, or brought hither, as your worshipps happyly have bene enformed there is, of which sort 12 Corges is all we could, by much seekinge after, yett procure, and cost 78 rups. nett the corge of 20 poes.
• In regard of theire absolute order from Suratt to repayre with our this yeares proviziones for Agra, it hath caused us the letting fall of the further provizion of Bengala silke. which without a Contynuance here is nott to be provyded in the condition expected by your worshipps, soe that our this yeares proviziones thereof will not exceed above 25 mds. of the sorts fittinge England. And although a far greater quantity was listed us by the Council at Suratt, yett since (as it should seeme) whatt allready is provyded is thought to be inough untill further tryall thereof. This intended to be sent you we hope, both for price and goodnes, will come your worshipps well to passe, and yeild in England expected proffitt, boeing as good and better cheape then the sample last yeare sent.
Wee have soe deeply waded into vur Callicoe Investments that at Instant we have [notl remayning in Cash (besides to beare the charges of the goods transport to Agra) above 2000 rups., wherewith we are to endeavour the provizion of some gumlacke, stuffs ette. of Bengala for musters both for England, Persia, or the Red Sea, which being accomplished, we will hasten our dispatch towards Agra with as much Convenyency as the season of the yeare will permitt, and lay out for Caryage to convoy our goods, which until the fine of the next month is nott here to be procured, the raynes beeinge soe vyolent, that in time thereof noe Carts passeth betweene this and Agra, and other Conveyance or meanes of transporte here is nott. Notwithstanding, we question nott but our goods shall arryve in Agra as last yeare seasonably to accompany theire this yeares Caffalow (kafila) from thence to Suratt... in the meane tyme we shall nott omytt our uttmost dilligence in the prosecutinge our present and what future affaires may bee comitted to our
XXIII William Biddulph and John Young at Agra to the President and Council at
Surat. Agra, 22 August 1621. They will observe the orders as to the placing of factors, and have recalled Hughes from Patna, leaving Parker in charge there until Young arrives 64
XXIV. Robert Hughes and John Parker to the factors at Agra. Patna, 13 September 1621. Good Freinds, Mr. Biddulphe ette. The last night came hither your expresse with yours of the 19th August and the perticular pointe in your letter from Suratt, which we have well considered, and apprehend theire order in all things, which
6 Factory Records, Patna, 1., 33-35. • Foster, English Factories in India, 1618-1621, pp. 260-281.