Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 43
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 111
________________ JUNE, 1914.] FIRST COMMERCIAL MISSION TO PATNA 107 now he beeinge gone I shall soone imploy the small matter intended therein. We have at present about 4000 rups, in cash, 2000 whereof will run out in expences, charges, and transporte of our goods. The rest I shall endeavour to disbourse accordinge to Mr. Hughes his direction and myne owne discression. . . . 60 XXII. Robert Hughes and John Parker to the Honnorable Company. Patna, 14 August 1621. Honnourable and right Worshipfull . . . Our last yeares letter dated the ultimo November . . . The Cargazone of our goods therein mentioned and sent hence came both safely and seasonably to Agra, and from thence goods was dispeeded for Suratt, which and the whole Caffalo [kâfila] was most unfortunatly robed and spoyled by the Decans Armye, 01 for which we have just cause to be sory, soe shall rest till time shall procure your Worshipps a full restitution, which we hartyly pray for, and hope it will prove as successfull as the losse was disasterous. Wee haveinge the last yeare made some small tryall into the Commodities of this place, and accordingly advized thereof to Suratt, we had theire approbation for a this yeares Contynuance and promise of speedy suplye of monyes for the effectinge some good Invest. ments, as well in silke as Callicoes. Butt the late arry vall of the last yeares fleet, with dyvers other hindrances and Impediments in Suratt, occasioned us unexpectedly to remay ne here untill March last before they had meanes to remitt us monyes as pretended, in which interim we endeavoured the saile of dyvers brayed [damaged] goods formeriv re ceived from Agra, which haveinge effected, to the valew of 4000 rups., the proceed whereof beeinge received, we incontinently imployed it, parte in Bengala silke and parte in Ambertye Callicoes. In fine of March2 we received from Agra our first supplye in bills exchange for 5000 rups., and since at severall times sondry other supplyes, in all bills for 32,000 rups., and therewith the transcript of a list from Suratt, which enordered the provizion of 100 mds. Bengala silke, and 20,000 pces. Amberty Callicoes of Lackhoare, with further promise of meanes for itts accomplishinge. Butt it seemes them selves beeinge streightned at Suratt, they could not supply us as determyned, nor effect what once enordered for want thereof. The monyes sent us we persisted to itts investment, which we have now brought allmost to a Conclusion, and haveinge hopes of a Conveyance from Suratt by retourne of the last yeares shipps from the Red Sea could not omitt to advize your worshipps thus breifly thereof. Forasmuch whereof as we had attayned unto by the beginninge of May last, we then sent for Agra, and was 13 bales Bengala silke, whereof 6 containing 18 mds. 12 seares of the sorts requyred by your Worshipps and Suratt, throwne of here into skeynes of a yard longe; the rest was of the courser sortes taken with that from th' originall or serbandy sent for saile in Agra, wherewith likewise went 3 bales containing 13 corges Amberty Callicoes and a bale containing 5 corges Hamoms [hammam], the which goods is arryved there in safety. Since when wee have proceeded to the investinge our monyes last sent us, and have at present attayned unto 470 corges or 9400 pces. Amberty Callicoes Wee have likewyse endeavoured theire whitinge, which is . 60 Factory Records, Paina. 1., 32-33. 61 In 1620 hostilities were in progress between Jahangir's forces under Prince Khurram and the rulers of the Dakhan under Malik 'Ambar. 62 Should be February, see ante, letter of 3 March 1621.


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