Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 43
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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This inscription was found in the Hathal village in the Sirohi State about 3 mies North-West of Mount Aba. It is engraved on two copper plates, each of which measures about 6" broad by 51" high and contains a ring hole but the ring has been lost.
Each plate is engraved on one side only. One of these plates contains 10 lines and the other 11. But the 11th line seems to be a post script, for the letters in this line differ widely from the others.
The characters are Nagari of the 12th century. The language is very incorrect Sanskrit. This may be due to the fault of the engraver. It is written in proge throughout except the three imprecatory verses (lines 15 to 20 of the second plate). In respect of orthography the letters b and v are both denoted by the sign for v.
This inscription is dated Thursday, the 11th of the bright half of Kartika in the [Vikrama] year 1237, and refers to the reign of Dhârâvarsha, who, in this inscription, is styled the descendant of Dhûmațâjadeva, Râjâ of Abû who is described in the inscriptions of Åbûand Girvar3 as the founder of the Paramâra olan..
The minister, at that time, was Kovidasa. The day of the charter specified in the inscription is Devotthani Ekadasi ; and it says the following with regard to the doneo Bhattâraka Visala Ugradamaka, acharya of ivadharma : (1) That he be granted .... in Såhilvââ. (2) That he be permitted to graze his cattle on the pasture grounds free of charge. (3) That a pasture land be granted him in Kumbhâranuli. (4) That he be granted an area of land which can be tilled with two ploughs in a day. (5) In the 11th line of the second plate, which is supposed to be a postscript it is mentioned that the pastures of Magavadi and Hathala di villages also be granted to him.
Lines 5-10 of the second plate contain curses on those princes who would deprive him of these privileges.
Of the localities mentioned here Hathaladi is obviously Hâthal where the plates were found. In the 15th century inscriptions, this village bears the name of Brahmasthâna. This
The ink impressions of these plates were kindly given to me by Rai Bahadur Pandit Gauri Shankar H. Ojha, Superintendent, Rajputana Museum, Ajmer.
तनाथ मेत्रावरुणस्य जुव्हतश्चंडोग्निकुंडात्पुरुषः पुराभवत् ।। मत्वा मुनीन्द्रः परमारणक्षमं स ध्याहरत्तं परमारसंज्ञया ।। १५ ।। पुरा तस्यान्वये राजा धूमराजाहयो भवत् || येन धूमध्वजेनेव दग्धा वंशाःक्षमाभृताम् ।। १२ ॥
(Unpublished Insoription in the Achalesvara templo at Aba), जबन निखिलती सेव्यमानस्समन्तान्मुनिसुरसुरपत्नीसंयुतैर गाद्रिः। विलसदनलरावद्भुतं श्रीवशिष्ठः कमपि सुभटमेकं सृष्टवान् यत्र मंत्र॥३॥ भानीतधेन्वे परनिर्जयेन मुनिः स्वगोत्रं परमारजातिम् | तस्मै ददावनभूरिभाग्यं तं धौमराजं च चकार नामा ||४||
(Patnarayap Inscription of Girvar) I shall edit this inscription also as soon as possible. • श्रीधूमराजः प्रथमं बभूव भूवासवस्तत्र नरेन्द्रवंशे । भमीभृतो यः कृतवानभिज्ञान पक्षाच्छेदनवेदनासु ।।
(Ep. Ind., Vol. VIU, P: 210).